
The limit of your ability

What is the limit of your ability?  This is one of the areas where we fall short almost every day. We underestimate just how much we can learn, do and feel.   Excuses The true issue is not our ability to learn, to grow or to love, the issue is we simply don’t want to […]

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Forgiving myself

I am in the process of forgiving myself for not posting three blogs last month.  Over the years I have been pretty good at maintaining that pace of writing, but last week, well, there were airplanes, relationship things to maintain and post vacation fatigue.  As I look at this explanation I realize these were simply

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Step One

The most delightful quest, or a trip to the supermarket, begins with step one.  It begins right now, not a week from now, not when things seem perfect, right now. Step one begins with the recognition that something is possible.  You see, just thinking about doing something is the beginning of the journey.  We make

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The humdrum of life

How often have you thought to yourself “my life is boring.  I wish I could travel or have some adventure in my life.”  I totally resonate with you in this thought, however, speaking from the perspective of someone who has traveled across the entire pacific ocean eight times, and around the world once during the

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And I Didn’t Even Know

We can take pleasure from things close to us, even certain experiences.  Take for instance the pleasure you get from seeing a child smile.  There is nothing artificial about a childs smile, so it rings in our hearts clearly.  We can recognize this reaction in ourselves, but too often we do not recognize that someone

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Can’t, Won’t, Don’t Wanna

I have written here previously about my being a proud part of the All American Soap Box Derby. An experience this weekend gave me another reason to cherish that association.  We had a race in Oceanside, California and a family was coming from Northern California to attend.  On the way down their van caught fire.  They

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It’s not you, it’s me

This line has been used so often it is now considered a joke, but if you have been following my blogs you know there is great truth in this statement. When we reach the point in any relationship, be a work relationship, a personal relationship, or a family relationship, when the existing balance no longer serves

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What If

These two words, What If, can be our greatest supporters, or our most sadistic jailers.  If the term What If is the beginning of a train of thought which will create a new vision, open us to possibility, move us forward from a place where we are stuck, well then, you have a friend in What

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