Can’t, Won’t, Don’t Wanna

I have written here previously about my being a proud part of the All American Soap Box Derby. An experience this weekend gave me another reason to cherish that association.  We had a race in Oceanside, California and a family was coming from Northern California to attend.  On the way down their van caught fire.  They all got out safely, rescued their posessions, and saved the derby car too.  Their insurance company provided a replacement vehicle and they continued on to the race.  

Now there were lots of reasons to return home rather than racing.  “I can’t, our van burned up.”, “I won’t put my family through more stress.” and “I don’t wanna go race, I wanna go home.” In the first instance, the truth was they could continue on, they had a brand new shiny vehicle to drive with even more room than their van, so that wasn’t true.  I won’t go race could have been a choice, but they decided that with the new wheels there was no reason not to continue.  So that leaves “I don’t wanna go race was not true because they did want to come to the first race of the season.  

Being totally honest with ourselves is essential to being IN-powered, and this is what we teach in Choiceful Living Seminars.  We play lots of mind games with ourselves, often blaming others or events for not doing something when the truth is we really do not want to go.  How creative have your excuses been not to go someplace you did not want to go?

 A very special person just experienced one of the consequences of lying about not going where he said he would go. He excuse of a migrane turned into an actual migrane.  This is called the Law of Cause and Effect (maybe you call it Karma.)  Please refrain from using excuses, stand in your power, speak the truth. The moment may be uncomfortable, but very soon after that discomfort you will be known as a person of your word, and that is priceless.Choiceful Living Seminars more info