

Perfection is a simple word, but a concept of many dimensions.  On one level we are all created in a state of perfection; each unique and wonderful.  Each essential to the planet for one reason or another.  You are the perfect you.  Perfection is also as good as things get, yet we know that when […]

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But HE did….

A long time ago my parents made it very clear to me that just because someone else did something, it was no reason for me to do it too.   All too often on my newsfeed I see people pointing fingers to try to justify their own thoughtless, mean and greed-driven actions by saying others

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In the simplest terms, prejudice is simply an unexamined belief upon which we act.  Prejudice can take the form of disliking someone for their race, religion, gender, sexual preference, body type, just about anything at all.  Discounting another person for any reason based upon prejudice is detrimental to our own well-being. When we choose to

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Starting at the Top

As we set our intentions for what we want to be, do and have being clear is essential; clear to the point of actually envisioning ourselves doing, being or having.  But it is not enough to vision our dreams and dream of ourselves in that place, there are also steps to take to actually being

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It’s OK

It’s OK to feel sad, it’s OK to feel happy.  It’s OK to doubt ourselves, It’s OK to walk in absolute confidence.  Way too often in the world of positive thinking we get the idea that when we inevitably find ourselves feeling out of sorts that we are doing something wrong.  This is simply not

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What’s in Store?

What is in store for 2017?  That is the question on most people’s minds, I think, right now.  I have done some contemplation and crystal ball gazing on this topic and I would like to share my insights about the coming year. Seventeen things 2017 will bring you; A deepening of your Spirit and Oneness

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I Feel So Lost

Have you ever felt like you are lost in life?  Have you ever felt you have no control over what is happening in your world?  Perhaps you are not lost at all, perhaps what is happening is you have become so wrapped up in what you think others want you to do that you have

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Constant and change

I recently heard some very interesting words; “The actuality of our being changes, our reality of being remains the same.” This is an concept to put into your mind and let it percolate for a while, but in the meantime let’s look at it.  As we go about our daily lives what we are doing,

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My hair! My hair!

Outside right now we are getting some light showers, and for some this will be greeted with the plaintive cry of “my hair, my hair!” because showers and styled hair are a poor mixture.  For some there will be curses under the breath because of the rains effect on their clothing, or dismay because the car has

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