
Rising above it all

Let’s face it, once in a while we all lose control of our emotions.  We all lose control of that wonderfully evolved person we have become.  It doesn’t matter how much work we have done to love everyone (from near, or perhaps far) the stuff of life sometimes just creeps up on us.  But there […]

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Seeing the future

Would you like to know what the future holds for you?  Just once wouldn’t you like to know if you should take this action as opposed to that action and know, simply know how things would turn out?   The future is in flux If you have experienced an astrological reading and the astrologer is

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Living in compassion

What is compassion?  How do we effectively live in compassion?  As defined in Websters Dictionary, compassion is sympathetic, consciousness of others distress.  Websters goes on to clarify that this consciousness is coupled with a desire to alleviate it.   To be sympathetic and conscious of another person’s distress is a wonderful thing.  Wanting to help alleviate

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There you are, flying through life, things are going great, opportunities are opening left and right and suddenly we come to a grinding halt.  We seem unable to move forward no matter what we do.  What the heck is going on?  Integration is going on. Sometimes on our journey forward, we have to take a

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Two way street

Communication with the Universe, that part of us that is always there, always speaking to us, is a two way street.  We may think of this voice as our sub-conscious, or our angels, or our conscience, but it is always there, always guiding, supporting and loving us. This voice is not only helping us find

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I am sitting outside a Starbucks in Kunatachi, Japan right now.  All around me are the famous Cherry trees of Japan coming into bloom.  Tourists and locals alike are snapping photos of the blossoms, the air is redolent with their soft fragrance.  In a few days there will be a rain and most of these

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Be Impeccable

Know how it is; you read a book at some point, enjoy the message, then put it away for awhile, then you are called to open that book again?  Well that happened with me recently.  Four or five years ago I read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Its a wonderful book book with

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Drama Now

Here is a fun fact: we cannot live in our dramas and still live in the now. What this statement means is that we all experience dramas in our lives. Drama is  energy which swirl around our lives but serves only to create discord within us, energy which make us feel badly about who we are,

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