Be Impeccable

Know how it is; you read a book at some point, enjoy the message, then put it away for awhile, then you are called to open that book again?  Well that happened with me recently.  Four or five years ago I read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Its a wonderful book book with an excellent message.

 The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word.  This calls us to really listen to what we say, and make certain it matches what we are trying to convey.  Once we speak our word we are then called to live up to what we have said, even if sometimes there is some discomfort in doing so.  We often have the highest intention with our word, then discover living up to that word might just cost us more than we anticipated.  This is not an excuse to fail to live up to our word.  We all know people who make promises which are not worth the time it took to make the promise, and that is their reputation.  Wouldn’t you prefer to be known as someone who lives up to their word than one who doesn’t?  Being impeccable with our word demands we live up to the highest standards of which we are capable.  

To support this effort I invite you to explore more in my own book called “It’s All About Me.”  There we explore the Involved Observer process which helps us be impeccable with our word.  

I highly recommend both books very soon, and I will continue with this exploration of Don Miguel Ruiz’s book.

The Involved Observer