
Universal Guidance

Whatever answer you seek, Universal Guidance has it for you.   Many people have the idea that we are self-contained beings; that we have to come up with the answers to all of life’s questions on our own.  This is false.  In fact you have already been the recipient of guidance from beyond your own […]

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Beyond the beyond

There is something your want that seems beyond you right now.  Something that you believe will make your life so much better.  What is that thing?  Is it a new car?  A new house?  A relationship that fills your heart to overflowing?  Beyond that thing is the real reason you want that thing.  In your

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It’s easy for you!

“Sure, it’s easy for you (to say) it’s easy for you (to do) it’s easy for you (to think), you just don’t understand.”  When we say those words “It’s easy for you” what we are doing is telling ourselves we are not capable of doing something, we are telling ourselves someone else is better than

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Finding a balance

Put a bunch of Bear Energy people together in one room and it is a beautiful thing; boisterous and physical to be sure, but still a beautiful thing.  Now, put a group of Butterfly Energy people in one room it is also beautiful; chattery and touchy, yet still beautiful.  Now, if you gather both the

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The Trees

We have hoped, prayed, treated, imagined, planned and schemed to achieve something in our lives but we often wonder where the heck the manifestion of all that visualization is.  Brothers and Sisters, believe me, it is manifesting, but we are so deep in the trees of our lives we often cannot see the unfolding of

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Driving Me Crazy

When my beautiful Bride Terrie starts chattering at me about something on her mind I sometimes mentally run and hide because I know there will be about a zillion words coming my way, and I won’t know which ones to listen to.  I also know that when my beautiful Bride Terrie asks me a question

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I am sitting outside a Starbucks in Kunatachi, Japan right now.  All around me are the famous Cherry trees of Japan coming into bloom.  Tourists and locals alike are snapping photos of the blossoms, the air is redolent with their soft fragrance.  In a few days there will be a rain and most of these

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Your Magnificence

We are taught, by well meaning people to be sure, that when someone gives us praise such as “you are so beautiful” or “you have a knack for this” that we are to decline the praise.  We are taught that it is considered egotistical to say something like “yes, I am beautiful” even though we

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The beautiful word “No”

If you are the type of person who tends to want to please other people, as I am, that beautiful word “no” comes hard to you.  I have said yes many times when it would mean giving up my playtime, when it means working later than I would otherwise like to work.  I have said yes rather

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Ask what you want

What would you like to hear someone say to you today? A good friend of mine named Ashtar gave me this process specifically to pass along to you so that you might experience this joy.   Step one, when you get up in the morning, decide what you would like to hear said to you today.

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