
You can only be you

Stop for a moment and consider how you have been trained- yes trained just as we domesticate a pet- to be who and what other people want us to be.  Our very first training begins with wanting to please mommy or daddy who are the source of our food and safety.  Then we expand into wanting […]

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Close the extra tabs

You know what happens when you have too many tabs open on your computer, right?  The computer slows down. Switching between the various pages just leads us deeper into more stuff and often takes us away from what it is we want to do.  Often times we get so caught up in chasing a piece of

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Making a turn-around

How many times have you decided enough is enough, you are through with this type of relationship; a relationship with a person, a relationship with food, or a relationship with an behavior, and you decide this is it, from now on you will not do or be that anymore.  You begin to make the changes

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Nothing Truly Exists

Nothing truly exists. Can you embrace this idea?  We have walked up to this idea step by step.  If you have yet to read the two previous blogs, please do so now so we can be on the same page. If nothing truly exists except where we give our attention, then how truly real is whatever

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You Don’t Exist

Sometime in my past I was told a common Native American belief was that when we die, everything and everybody else ceases to exist. Maybe this is a common Native American concept, maybe not, but if we follow the premise and add my previous blog to the equation, the idea does not seem all that

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The “Real” World

I know some of you have been reading these posts and thinking “sure, that is great in concept, but in the real world, that is not how things work”.  I understand, I really do because it has not been so long ago that I too believed there were two realities; what things could be, and

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The Good Old Days

I bet you have heard that phrase; “back in the good old days”. So my question is, just when were the good old days?  Were they five years ago, ten, twenty, fifty years ago?  Our memories have this wonderful way of redefining the past; highlighting those things which we like, downplaying those which are uncomfortable.

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Where is your focus?

How much of your time do you spend thinking about what is not working, or working as well as it might, in your life?  Now, ask yourself how much time do I spend thinking about things which are going very well in my life.  Do they balance out?  Are you spending more time thinking about stuff

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