Brian Graham


Do you know someone addicted to DOPE?  Are your addicted to DOPE?  Drama Oriented Power Exchange, or DOPE is all around us, and we feed into it every time we share gossip or complain to someone who cannot help resolve an issue.  The FDA has no people out there trying to regulate DOPE, the DEA […]

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The “Real” World

I know some of you have been reading these posts and thinking “sure, that is great in concept, but in the real world, that is not how things work”.  I understand, I really do because it has not been so long ago that I too believed there were two realities; what things could be, and

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Tonight I watched Peyton Manning throw touchdown pass number 509.  This was an impossible task, except for Peyton who did not recognize the term Impossible.  Same thing for the man who held the record before Peyton the sky was the limit.  Who makes an accomplishment impossible?  We do.  Who makes an accomplishment possible?  We do.

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Resistance meets resistance

  When resistance to hearing or changing meets resistance to hearing or changing there can be only one result: conflict.  Sometimes that resistance sounds to our inner dialog as simply attempting to get our very correct position understood.  Regardless of the motivation, the more we press our point, the more often we repeat our position,

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I’m Sorry

At a certain point in my life I was the most caustic person imaginable.  I could spit out words at others which would cut to the quick.  There was no malice intended, mostly, it was simply a defense process I used to protect myself.  Protect myself from what?  I cannot say, it doesn’t matter now.  What

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We have spoken about gossip, haven’t we?  If not we shall soon.  Right now I want to discuss gossips next door neighbor: complaints.  Complaints can have the same corrosive effect on our relationships as gossip.  Does this mean we are to accept whatever comes our way without questioning?  Of course not.  What makes one complaint corrosive and

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From the book “It’s All About Me” (which will be published just as soon as the way is reveled to me)  comes this idea of expectations and assumptions becoming corrosive in our relationships. I call this an “exumption”, the tendency to make an assumption or to create an expectation of which the other party is unaware.  This

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One of the first things we must come to realize as we step into an In-powered world and experience, is that we can no longer blame anyone else for our actions, our choices, our thoughts. As a result, we can not longer blame the boss, our parents, spouse, friends or the dog for our not achieving or

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For the past few weeks I have been inviting you to support the campaign to get my next book published.  In short, didn’t happen.  QUESTION: Am I therefore a failure?  to answer this question I turn to none less than Thomas Edison.  Ole Tom is quoted as saying “I have not failed, I’ve just found

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You ruined my day

Let’s make this clear right off the bat; no one, no thing, no event, can ruin our day.  Unless of course we allow that to happen. Certainly it is easier to blame others for how we are feeling, easier to blame events for creating our mental outlook, yet without exception events and other people can

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