Brian Graham

Nothing Truly Exists

Nothing truly exists. Can you embrace this idea?  We have walked up to this idea step by step.  If you have yet to read the two previous blogs, please do so now so we can be on the same page. If nothing truly exists except where we give our attention, then how truly real is whatever […]

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You Don’t Exist

Sometime in my past I was told a common Native American belief was that when we die, everything and everybody else ceases to exist. Maybe this is a common Native American concept, maybe not, but if we follow the premise and add my previous blog to the equation, the idea does not seem all that

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I Don’t Exist

Don’t stop to think about it, just answer these questions: how tall am I?  Am I 6′ tall or 5’2″.  Do I weigh 325 pounds or 98 pounds?  Do I have a high voice or a bass voice?  The answer to these questions: I am all of them, and dozens of more things depending upon

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Save me from Savings Time

So, did you enjoy your extra hour of sleep this weekend?  Or did we actually loose an hour of sleep, let’s see, Spring ahead, Fall down, is that how it goes?  Honestly, I spend more time trying to remember if we gained or lost an hour than the actual hour anyway.   If you are

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Our Costumes

Tonight many of us will open our doors to hob-goblins, ghosts and ghouls of countless descriptions.  Do you recall that the purpose of wearing these costumes can be traced back to the tradition of one night a year, wearing on the outside what we are afraid of on the inside?  Many of us are afraid of

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It’s All Too Much!

No question about it, we are entering the busiest season of the year for most people.  Halloween is  here, and how far behind can the Turkey Dinner/shopping/party/family/stress-out bonanza be? and if the holidays are not enough, it  is election season too.  The pressure is all too much!  If there is anytime in the year we want

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Assume the negative

Seems I am on a theme run right now, we discussed being a yes or no person the other day.  Somewhat in the same theme is the question: “when I hear things from others, do I assume they are negative, and go into a defensive posture every time?” Jon walks in and says, “hey, I

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D.O.P.E. completion

So, to complete this go round with Drama Oriented Power Exchange, or DOPE; now that we are aware of the presence of DOPE, now that we are awakened to how easily we can get sucked into its vortex, what can we do about its effects? We can become the Involved Observer in our lives.  As

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D.O.P.E. part 2

As I was saying, DOPE is all around us, the tendency to define ourselves by how much information we can disseminate, how much of a reaction we can get for that dissemination, as well as the bond such information seems to create between ourselves and others are all factors in the addiction to DOPE. Even

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