It’s All Too Much!

No question about it, we are entering the busiest season of the year for most people.  Halloween is  here, and how far behind can the Turkey Dinner/shopping/party/family/stress-out bonanza be? and if the holidays are not enough, it  is election season too.  The pressure is all too much!  If there is anytime in the year we want to live in IN-powerment, awake and aware of our feelings it is the final quarter of the year.

Strange as it seems, I actually know people who look forward to the potential upset of the holiday season and feel cheated if they do not get the opportunity to loose their composure sometime during the next 90 days.  I bet you know someone like that too.  If your choice is to have a wonderful time, enjoy your family and friends, and not have to worry about sending out apologies like Christmas cards, please remember, you, and only you decide if Aunt Sally is going to push you over the edge, you and only you decide if the music in the stores is enough to ruin your day. You and only you make these decisions. You and only you define your life.  

I sometimes agree that  it would be more fun if we could really blame someone else for our upset, on the other hand, if there is no upset because we own our responses to every situation, then the reward of blame simply doesn’t exist.  

As we lock our feet into the starting blocks, get set for the sprint to 2015, I invite you to join me in setting an intention: that this holiday season will be the most joy-filled season ever, and that it will be free of D.O.P.E., discord, and disasters.  

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