Brian Graham

People don’t listen

When we have a problem we might go to our confidant, our priest, minister or parent for advice.  If the advice or suggestion we get is uncomfortable or asks of us something we do not want to do or is counter to what we have already decided the answer is, we turn away, we decide that the advice […]

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We depend upon consistency in our lives.  We crave being able to be confident that people around us will be consistent in what they are telling us, how they will react to situations as well as their viewpoints.  We build our world around these “Knowns.”  Problem is; people change their minds, people change their views,

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Thoughts Create

I have written many times in these blogs that thoughts create things, thoughts create our reality, and this is still true.  This time lets take it a little deeper.  Thoughts create US.  The way we think out pictures on our bodies too. Think of someone you know who always seems to have a smile for

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Roadblock Ahead!

There you are, moving along toward your goal, everything is coming up roses, you feel great about life.  Suddenly it all comes to a halt, you have hit a roadblock.  I am experiencing just such a roadblock at this moment getting my next book (Bear and Butterfly) ready for print.  Until now things have been going

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The Unfiltered Heart

The Unfiltered Heart comes from learning to understand that everyone who comes to your attention, everyone who comes through your life, is there for a purpose.  That purpose is to be part of you becoming what you have set as your goal.  They are there in answer to your prayers, dreams, hopes and every thought

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Listen to the Message

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr day here in the U.S. which is a problem for some of us.  MLK was no saint in his personal life, there is no doubt about that, but his, sometimes, less than perfect actions should not interfere with his message of harmony and oneness.   Few of the

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Doing It For Us

Technology is wonderful.  I love being able to whip out my cell phone and look up the name of an actor or the date the Magna Carta was signed, or where to get my next cup of coffee.  Facts at my fingertips; a dream come true.  But what do we do with this wealth of

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A Time to Rest

As we jump into 2017 many of us have made plans, lots of plans for what this year will bring.  We have made plans to do, do, do things, things, things.  As IN-powering as this may be sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is…..nothing.   As we do, do, do we must take

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Yes, I’m Older

As I often say, “They give you youth, the rest you have to earn.”   So, yes, I am older in years than I was even yesterday.  This means I have a choice; I can look at life  and say “I have lived so long I know it all”, or I can say “I have lived

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One of my dear friends recently gifted me with a bumper sticker that carries with it a message I dearly love; Pono.  This is one of those Hawaiian words that carries with it many subtexts depending upon its context, but generally Pono is defined as righteousness, morality, goodness, virtuous, fair and kind.  It’s context in

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