Brian Graham

Be Aware!

Every moment of every day, Be Aware! Something wonderful will happen to you at any moment. On the other hand, you can be aware and something terrible will happen to you at any moment. Where are you focusing? The difference between something wonderful and something terrible is what you are focusing upon. Same life, same […]

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The art of Imagination

Some call it daydreaming, I prefer to think of the art of imagination as the starting point for a more satisfying life. Honoring the imagination I often write in these blogs about the power of our thought. What we think is what we believe, and what we believe is what can come into our lives.

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Two kinds of People

Duality suggests there are two kinds of people in this world; one kind believes there are two kinds of people, the other kind doesn’t. Yes, I am being a little flippant here, but I do have a purpose in my flippancy. My point leads to a discussion of the duality of our world. Dealing with

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What is my path

As 2018 evolves into 2019 many of us are asking “What is my path.” The new year is not only the time to celebrate the turning of the calander, but also a time to reflect upon our lives. Is there one path? Picture yourself driving along a freeway. Every mile or so there is an

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On the verge

Right now you are on the verge of a new dawn. For the next few days you will most likely forget to write 2019 on your checks, letters and other documents. Forget the New Year Resolutions, (they will probably go by the wayside quickly anyway) here is an opportunity to begin a new day in

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The hot button

What really ticks you off is your hot button. We all have something that can set us off, why I bet even Buddha had something. There is nothing wrong with having a hot button if, and I mean if, you recognize when it has been pushed. Once you are able to recognize one of your

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I see no reason

If you see no reason to give thanks, the issue is no one’s but your own. Reasons to give thanks The very fact you may be agreeing or disagreeing with this statement is a reason to give thanks.  You are a thinking, breathing, live human being.  Give thanks for that.  If your life sucks, the

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Practice what you preach

One of the things that bugs me is people who preach one ideal, then live a totally different practice.  You know people like this; they have a great line about how you should live, but you cannot find those ideas active in their lives. The destructiveness of duplicity  Children learn the most about life, not

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Pets and life

My mind has been swirling around pets and life the past few days.  It all started with a suggestion that we, as humans, help the spirit in animals climb the vibrational ladder as they ascend.  I hadn’t thought of that before, how about you?  But I think there is something much more at work here

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