
It’s OK

It’s OK to feel sad, it’s OK to feel happy.  It’s OK to doubt ourselves, It’s OK to walk in absolute confidence.  Way too often in the world of positive thinking we get the idea that when we inevitably find ourselves feeling out of sorts that we are doing something wrong.  This is simply not […]

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Ritual and Pageantry

For many years I was the guy who scoffed at ritual. I had no use for those practices which required participants to dress a certain way or assemble in a certain manner.  Fortunately I have lived long enough to outgrow this resistance.  What about you? Through my travels I have witnessed the power which comes from

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It’s All so Amazing!

 As Terrie Symons and I travel in India we are very conscious of the truth that travel broadens ones mind.  As westerners we have an idea of what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is happiness, what is poverty, but here on the road we are challenged to open our minds to

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Healing ourselves

We often hear or speak about “healing ourselves”, which is a wonderful concept, once we understand what it is we want to heal.  That is the power of having a doctor look at us when we don’t feel well.  Some of us try to look-up on-line what is “wrong” with us and get so caught

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What we become

Modern age mystic and teacher Emma Curtis Hopkins wrote “We become what we associate with.”  How powerful is this thought! Take a moment and look around your life; you will find you associate closely with those who reflect your values.  This is a little easier to identify in other people than it is in our own

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What is “grounding”? Grounding is a process whereby your soul and your spirit are balanced.  When you are grounded life moves so much more smoothly; irritations are fewer, discord is felt less, relationships are more fulfilling and you feel you have a real place in this world.  As with most things which have to do with

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I was wrong

One of the really wonderful things about finding more candles on my birthday cake is that every day I learn something, that is I learn something if I listen.  The flip side of this continual learning is sometimes I discover that along the way I have told someone something I believed to be true, then

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“I don’t have time to….. ”  You have heard this countless times, maybe you have even said it yourself, but stop and think about this; you and I have exactly the same number of moments in our lives, so does every other being on this planet.  Exactly the same number of moments.  The real question

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Guilt is a cesspool

Guilt is a cesspool in our lives.  Guilt is junk in our garage.  Guilt is cement waiting to harden.  You would not go into your yard and jump into a cesspool.  We know the junk in our garage needs to be cleaned out, if for no other reason than so we can park our cars.

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Do Your Best

Doing your best seems like such a no brainer.  Of “Course I do my best, I do my best all the time!”  But right here, just between you and I, is there a part of you which sometimes aims for “just good enough?” Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements has an interesting take

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