
Being courageous

Being courageous is a continuation of my writing from last Friday about courage. Being courageous in your life The prerequisite to loving any other person is to love yourself first.  This is no easy task.  It seems like every time we turn-around someone is offering us a reason not to love ourselves.  They will tell you […]

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Be it resolved

Making a New Year resolution you can fulfill requires a change in thinking.  Resolutions are wonderful, although easily broken.  That gym membership we promise to use.  The new eating plans we swear to uphold.  Resolving not get angry so easily.  The list goes on an on.  As New Years approaches we make ourselves so many

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A victim is one who spends the greatest portion of their time living in their past.  A victim defines themselves by their past; their experiences, their hurts (real and imagined) trying to come to grips with the question: why? As a victim, perhaps the greatest challenge is keeping the pain of the past alive.  A

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Don’t be afraid to love

Romance is love, of course.  You may also feel love for your pets, your favorite food, car, vacation spot, your home, your children and siblings; love is all around us, expressing in so many wonderful ways.  What is there to be afraid of?  We may be afraid that displaying love is a sign of weakness.

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Off shore wisdom

We spend a great deal of time and effort looking for inspiration and wisdom, peace, love and prosperity outside ourselves; as though the only answers to our desires must come from an “off shore source.”  As Dr. Phil might ask; “How is that working for you?” In almost every instance what you are seeking is already within

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Your Magnificent Self

Does this sound familiar to you?  When someone gives you a complement you either dismiss the compliment (“You don’t have to thank me.”) or downplay the compliment (“It was nothing.”)  Either way you are dishonoring the Magnificent Self you are, and at the same time you are dishonoring the person offering the compliment. Most compliments

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Locked Doors

As our dreams grow and become reality because we have been applying the ideas in Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About Me, we sometimes find ourself at a locked door.  We reach out and turn the knob, wiggle the door and nothing happens.  At this point we often give up on that dream or begin

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Stand United

Today I am sitting on a lovely porch on the slopes of Mount Shasta, California.  Around me the trees are blowing in the breeze, the pines and firs are reaching for the sky, and this little town of McLoud rolls out from me like a dream.  Why then do I feel this little twinge of

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Increase your inner world

There is pure magic in increasing your inner world, and by that I mean the part of you which is more capable of giving and receiving love, the part of you which knows you are worthy of all the good the Universe has to offer.  The magic is that the more you increase your inner world,

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