
Bringing out the best

The greatest of those we call leaders have had several things in common;  they have called us forward into cooperation and called us to see the oneness in ourselves and our world.  The weakest of our leaders also have something in common; they prey upon our fears of others and play upon our lowest selves. Of course […]

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The future

Nothing happens in the future. No, I am not being a fatalist, nor predicting doom and gloom.  What I am saying is that the future does not exist except as a concept.  Things happen in the now; right now, and not a moment later.  This moment, this very moment you are looking at this word

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day

One of the things I enjoy about St. Patrick’s day, along with Cinco De Mayo, and other cultural celebrations is how, at least for a short time, we can all celebrate the diversity of our culture.  This wonderful country of ours is made up primarily by immigrants.  This has been true from the very beginning

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Shells in Time

We may be walking around experiencing life, but that does not mean we are living life.  Many people are simply Shells in Time, taking meaning from other peoples lives, letting the beliefs of others define who and what they are.  Living, but not alive.  Choicefull Living Seminars is committed to helping us out of this limbo of life;

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It is one of the most basic of all communication truths; Information is Power.  One of the challenges we have in today’s world is that we are bombarded with information, some of this information is true, some questionable, and some of that information is outright false.  In this bombardment of information it is quite easy

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Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is not the same thing as believing in your possibility, your product or your job.  Believing in yourself has to do with believing in the person YOU are, the person behind the things you do.  The most successful sales people are never selling a product, they are selling themselves.  They are selling a

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We depend upon consistency in our lives.  We crave being able to be confident that people around us will be consistent in what they are telling us, how they will react to situations as well as their viewpoints.  We build our world around these “Knowns.”  Problem is; people change their minds, people change their views,

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Thoughts Create

I have written many times in these blogs that thoughts create things, thoughts create our reality, and this is still true.  This time lets take it a little deeper.  Thoughts create US.  The way we think out pictures on our bodies too. Think of someone you know who always seems to have a smile for

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Listen to the Message

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr day here in the U.S. which is a problem for some of us.  MLK was no saint in his personal life, there is no doubt about that, but his, sometimes, less than perfect actions should not interfere with his message of harmony and oneness.   Few of the

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One of my dear friends recently gifted me with a bumper sticker that carries with it a message I dearly love; Pono.  This is one of those Hawaiian words that carries with it many subtexts depending upon its context, but generally Pono is defined as righteousness, morality, goodness, virtuous, fair and kind.  It’s context in

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