
Sometimes you just have to stop

There comes a time when the best thing one can do is simply stop.  As much as we may want to continue a project, doing so is a fight that requires too many compromises.  The level of frustration begins to overwhelm us when we attempt to push-on-through regardless of the cost.  At these times you […]

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Worry, worry, worry

We worry, oh yes we do!  What will others think, what will others do, what will I do, what if this doesn’t work!  One the things we as humans do best is to worry.  Some people actually define their lives by how much worry they do.  If they do not do enough, they feel they

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Fitting in

Fitting-in is the primary motivator of so many people; to the point that they forget who they are and what they believe.  I know that as a parent, just as my own parents did about me, I worry that my own children will forsake what is right to fit-in. The power of not fitting-in Why

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What is Time?

Flying over the Pacific Ocean from Japan to the US time, at first, goes by quickly, then slows to a veritable crawl.  In the arms of a loved one time does not exist.  When we are on vacation, time whisks by all too quickly, so what is time? Why do we get so sideways about being

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Who Am I?

The question is; how do we define ourselves?  Do we define ourselves by how many people we have charmed?  Do we define ourselves by the burdens we carry or our responsibilities? Do we define ourselves by our jobs, our cars, our homes, our income? None of these definitions truly answer the question “Who Am I?”

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Am I Being Tested?

My car won’t start, I am late for work, the coffee machine broke, I lost the key to the restroom, the client cancelled, my afternoon went in the dumper, I don’t have the money to pay the bills.  Am I being tested?  Is someone or something trying to find out just how much I can

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Healing begins with the heart

When the heart is present clearly in ourselves it flavors all things we do.  Everything. On our recent trip my lady and I stopped into a restaurant for our mid day meal.  Each of us ordered simple dishes; Terrie a Cesar Salad, I ordered a hamburger.  It took over 25 minutes for our food to arrive

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Walking the Path

How often have you heard someone question if they are on the right path for their life?  This is such a huge question; how DO we know that what we have chosen to do is indeed the right path for us?  There are some clues; if you have to struggle to meet the day, you

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Solutions which aren’t

Why is it we work so hard to come up with solutions to problems only to have them fail?  Because too often we are not working on the CAUSE of the problem, we are dealing with the EFFECT of the problem. Think about going to a Doctor because we are having stomach problems.  the good

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Be a carrier

Have you ever wanted to really mess with peoples minds?  Here is a fun way to do just that; with every person you cross paths with today, be it walking down the street, or in the supermarket or in the hall at work, and especially if you happen to find yourself on an elevator, look

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