
Thanksgiving and Passover

Twenty-four hours to Thanksgiving 2018.    Being a Gentile, the similarities of Thanksgiving and  the Jewish celebration of Passover had not occurred to me before today.  As I researched the similarities I was reminded that there is very little in our experience that does not have a precedent. Linking the celebrations Of course Thanksgiving is […]

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Worry, worry, worry

We worry, oh yes we do!  What will others think, what will others do, what will I do, what if this doesn’t work!  One the things we as humans do best is to worry.  Some people actually define their lives by how much worry they do.  If they do not do enough, they feel they

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Get intimate with your power

Get intimate with my power?  Are you saying what I think you are saying?  Probably not, but it got your attention. Getting intimate What I mean is, get to know your personal power so you can use it to your advantage.  You are using that power anyway, why not use it to get what you

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Levels of Consciousness

When I speak of Consciousness I am referring to how we view the world, how we view ourselves and how we view the interconnectedness of all things. Consciousness is an evolving experience, and it is a very personal thing.  We cannot judge anyone else’s consciousness, in many cases not even our own.  What is an

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True identity

Would you like to be able to read another persons mind?  You can, in a way, and do so with the tools you already have!   All you have to do is determine what that person desires: do they desire flashy cars and homes?  Do they desire mega money to feel good?  Do they desire

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Your life is a reflection of your thinking. A cluttered mind results in a cluttered desk.  (I see this all around me right now).  If I reach a point where I cannot seem to put two ideas together I will stop and clear my desk of the clutter.   If I do not clear my

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Call Me Anything

A little less than a week ago we celebrated what many refer to as Easter Sunday.  for some this was a day of reflection of their spiritual truths, their spiritual roots; for some it was a reason for feasting or an extra day off, many of those in school got a week off, even though

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Guilt is a cesspool

Guilt is a cesspool in our lives.  Guilt is junk in our garage.  Guilt is cement waiting to harden.  You would not go into your yard and jump into a cesspool.  We know the junk in our garage needs to be cleaned out, if for no other reason than so we can park our cars.

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Where did the year go?

I bet you will hear that phrase “where did the year go” at least a dozen times this week if you listen.  Where did the year go?  It went where all seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years go; into the past.  This is a perfectly natural process which shows us we are being fully

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