
Before you speak

Thinking before I speak has long been one of the things I have had on “to-do” list.  There are times my foot has been in my mouth so long it is starting to prune!  As usual, when I write these missives I am speaking as much, if not more so, to myself. Some “before you […]

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Keep on pouring

On your spiritual journey, sometimes the most important thing you can do is to keep on pouring.  Let me explain.  You reach the point in your spiritual evolution where what you are doing does not seem to be producing results;  you are no happier now than when you started.  This is not time to give

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Being Wrong

There is nothing wrong with being wrong.  There is simply no way we can know everything, every time.  What we do this  moment is the best we know how to do at this moment.  Given the same set of choices at another moment in time we might choose to do things differently, but there ya

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The beginning of time

Right now, right this very moment is the beginning of time, and you are part of it.  Each and everything that has occurred before this moment is history.  People may argue about what has happened and why, but you and only you determine what will happen from this moment forward. Outside forces I am fully

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Moment by moment

No matter how long our lifespan is, we measure the time moment by moment.  Individual grains of sand passing through a single point.  Then they are gone. forever. The analogy. Think of an old fashioned hourglass.  If we think of each breath, each experience, as one of those grains of sand passing through the glass

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Where there is no trail

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote; Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”  Ponder that for a moment or two, what does it mean to you?   For me it means recognizing that I may not be everyones cup of tea, heck I am certain

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Mental Hygiene

Through our years on this planet we have thought many thoughts, been taught many things, and believed many others.  Some of these thoughts no longer serve us well, yet there they are; buried in our subconscious, still acting out as if they were our real beliefs today, even if we would scream in denial if

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Chasing Time

I don’t know how many hours I have wasted worrying about time.  Worrying about then I will get there, where the waiter is, why my order has not arrived, and will anyone come back on the line when I am calling for support. Yes, it is indeed wasted energy because the truth is things will

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In Our Image

Every time we address a situation we bring every one of our preconceived notions right along with us.  How we deal with new people  in or lives, how we hear others say what they say, what we expect to find in any given situation are all colored by what we have experienced in the past.

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Parallel Play

Last night after a beautiful day of travel my butterfly and I were relaxing in the hotel pool enjoying the interaction of people of all ages.  One of the Moms, watching her children play with complete strangers without conditions made the most interesting comment; “the kids love parallel play.” What she was referring to was the ability

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