
Childhood truths

In our childhood we had many sayings to help us cope with bullies.  “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.”  “I know you are, but what am I?”  “I’m rubber, you’re glue, what bounces off me sticks to you.”  Perhaps you had other favorites, these are just three that […]

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Rising above it all

Let’s face it, once in a while we all lose control of our emotions.  We all lose control of that wonderfully evolved person we have become.  It doesn’t matter how much work we have done to love everyone (from near, or perhaps far) the stuff of life sometimes just creeps up on us.  But there

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Being courageous

Being courageous is a continuation of my writing from last Friday about courage. Being courageous in your life The prerequisite to loving any other person is to love yourself first.  This is no easy task.  It seems like every time we turn-around someone is offering us a reason not to love ourselves.  They will tell you

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Moment by moment

No matter how long our lifespan is, we measure the time moment by moment.  Individual grains of sand passing through a single point.  Then they are gone. forever. The analogy. Think of an old fashioned hourglass.  If we think of each breath, each experience, as one of those grains of sand passing through the glass

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On-line scams

On-line scams are out there, and yes, even spiritual people can be drawn into the craziness.  The power of these things is that somewhere inside ourselves we want something for nothing.  The trap for spiritual people is that we tend to look at the world from a place of love rather than suspicion. Jaded vs

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Two way street

Communication with the Universe, that part of us that is always there, always speaking to us, is a two way street.  We may think of this voice as our sub-conscious, or our angels, or our conscience, but it is always there, always guiding, supporting and loving us. This voice is not only helping us find

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The future

Nothing happens in the future. No, I am not being a fatalist, nor predicting doom and gloom.  What I am saying is that the future does not exist except as a concept.  Things happen in the now; right now, and not a moment later.  This moment, this very moment you are looking at this word

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Off shore wisdom

We spend a great deal of time and effort looking for inspiration and wisdom, peace, love and prosperity outside ourselves; as though the only answers to our desires must come from an “off shore source.”  As Dr. Phil might ask; “How is that working for you?” In almost every instance what you are seeking is already within

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Spring Cleaning

Yep, it’s that time again, our annual Spring Cleaning time.  The time when we traditionally air out the house, dispose of the clutter of winter hibernation, and prepare for the new season.  But spring cleaning is not only a physical activity, it is a Spiritual and emotional activity as well.  When we clear out a

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Planting Seeds

Most of us want to change our lives in one way or another; some are huge changes, some are just “tweeking,” but very few of us have everything in our lives exactly the way we have visioned.  Too often we grow frustrated that said changes have not occurred, or not occurred so we can see

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