
It ain’t perfect!

No, life ain’t perfect, but it’s good!  yes, life unfolds perfectly, we are at the right place at the right time, we are learning the perfect lessons for what we want or have asked to learn, the perfect people are drawn to us and are around us all the time, there is no question about […]

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Healing ourselves

We often hear or speak about “healing ourselves”, which is a wonderful concept, once we understand what it is we want to heal.  That is the power of having a doctor look at us when we don’t feel well.  Some of us try to look-up on-line what is “wrong” with us and get so caught

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What we become

Modern age mystic and teacher Emma Curtis Hopkins wrote “We become what we associate with.”  How powerful is this thought! Take a moment and look around your life; you will find you associate closely with those who reflect your values.  This is a little easier to identify in other people than it is in our own

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What is “grounding”? Grounding is a process whereby your soul and your spirit are balanced.  When you are grounded life moves so much more smoothly; irritations are fewer, discord is felt less, relationships are more fulfilling and you feel you have a real place in this world.  As with most things which have to do with

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Escaping the Past

I recently had someone tell me I was good at erasing the past from my life.  This kind of took me by surprise because in my garage right now are four large bins of photos, memorabilia and collectables from my past.  “Erasing the past?” No, I don’t think so, but because this charge stayed with

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I told you so!

Want to really run a relationship into the ground?  Say “I told you so.”  It really doesn’t matter if you were completely right, saying “I told you so” is a relationship being killed slowly. No one likes being reminded they made an error, so the response, be it spoken or unspoken, is uniformly negative. The question you get to ask

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Everything is Energy

“Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality.  It can be no other way.  This is not philosophy, this is physics.” This is not something I made up, it is a quote from Albert Einstein.

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I checked, and the word Comfortability is not yet in Websters Dictionary, but it should be!  Comfortability is the ability to take comfort in your life; to take comfort in love; take comfort in who you are.   Have you felt comfortability in your life lately or have you been too busy being what and

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Say Thank You

If you have been a frequent reader of these posts you might have asked yourself “all these words are great, but does Brian actually put them to use himself?”  Fair question.  This morning as I prepared to shave and brush my teeth I had before me a very important meeting;  a meeting which would affect my life

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I know that stuff

How many classes have you taken?  How many books have you read?  How many experiences have you had?  The more of these things you experience the more likely you might find yourself saying “I know that stuff.”  And you do know that stuff, at least you have experienced that stuff; but the question is are

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