
Lifetime learning

Make no mistake about it, everything we do in this lifetime is about learning.  We learn to walk, talk, socialize, make a living and countless lessons in-between. The choice of learning Without getting into the esoteric considerations of life, we are always at choice as to what we  learn.  How many times have you learned […]

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Jumping the fence

When we were little kids an obstacle was no problem, we simply jumped over the fence, or gate or sleeping dog.  As we added years to our count, for some reason we begin to forget that an obstacle is not a roadblock if we are committed to moving forward. Discernment I try to view an obstacle as

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Keep on pouring

On your spiritual journey, sometimes the most important thing you can do is to keep on pouring.  Let me explain.  You reach the point in your spiritual evolution where what you are doing does not seem to be producing results;  you are no happier now than when you started.  This is not time to give

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Taking the next step

Our minds can only take us so far in this journey we have embarked upon, the rest takes the heart.  Our mind will help us resolve simple questions.  It will help us balance our checkbooks, but it will not resolve the most pressing issues of our lives.  That takes the heart.  While so many things

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Paying for it again

How many times do we find ourselves paying for what we have done?  I have to honestly admit that in the past I have done things that would have sent me to jail had I been caught.  I have not always treated others as I would like to have been treated either.  The question is;

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Step One

The most delightful quest, or a trip to the supermarket, begins with step one.  It begins right now, not a week from now, not when things seem perfect, right now. Step one begins with the recognition that something is possible.  You see, just thinking about doing something is the beginning of the journey.  We make

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You have talents, please never doubt for even one moment you have unique talents the world needs.  If this were not the case, you would not be here.  Some people have the talent of creating inspiring works of art, others have the talent of verbal communication, some have the talent of helping others find their

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There you are, flying through life, things are going great, opportunities are opening left and right and suddenly we come to a grinding halt.  We seem unable to move forward no matter what we do.  What the heck is going on?  Integration is going on. Sometimes on our journey forward, we have to take a

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Starting at the Top

As we set our intentions for what we want to be, do and have being clear is essential; clear to the point of actually envisioning ourselves doing, being or having.  But it is not enough to vision our dreams and dream of ourselves in that place, there are also steps to take to actually being

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Believe in Yourself

Believing in yourself is not the same thing as believing in your possibility, your product or your job.  Believing in yourself has to do with believing in the person YOU are, the person behind the things you do.  The most successful sales people are never selling a product, they are selling themselves.  They are selling a

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