
Forgiving myself

I am in the process of forgiving myself for not posting three blogs last month.  Over the years I have been pretty good at maintaining that pace of writing, but last week, well, there were airplanes, relationship things to maintain and post vacation fatigue.  As I look at this explanation I realize these were simply […]

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We all face disappointment sooner or later.  The job we wanted goes to someone else, our children don’t behave as we would like them to, the relationship we thought would be “the one” vanishes in a cloud of acrimony.  We get used to these disappointments most of the time and move on, but sometimes disappointment

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Feeling optimistic

I am optimistic about the future of our young women.  Yes, I know there are so many reasons to be concerned about them; but we don’t have to go into them here.  What has me optimistic is my interaction with twenty two fantastic young ladies last night. Judging from the past Having come of age

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The software of doubt

Have you run a system scan on your thinking looking for software of doubt?  For most of us it is there, just like a brain virus. Brain virus does not have to mean something like meningitis.  Brain virus can also mean catching the disease of “I can’t.” Just like your computer Just as your computer

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Self Worth

Is it possible that our most common motivation for doing-or not doing- something is our own feeling of self worth?  Is it possible that, if this is indeed the case, we now have a new tool to reach our greatest possible potential?  Let me make my case. The greatest obstacle to us reaching our full

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You have talents, please never doubt for even one moment you have unique talents the world needs.  If this were not the case, you would not be here.  Some people have the talent of creating inspiring works of art, others have the talent of verbal communication, some have the talent of helping others find their

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Product of the past

We are all products of our past, no matter how much we want to overcome our past, even our attempts to overcome our past defines us.  Every experience we have ever had, even those we did not necessarily experience, but just heard about, are part of our beings today.  This is something we cannot get

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It’s OK

It’s OK to feel sad, it’s OK to feel happy.  It’s OK to doubt ourselves, It’s OK to walk in absolute confidence.  Way too often in the world of positive thinking we get the idea that when we inevitably find ourselves feeling out of sorts that we are doing something wrong.  This is simply not

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I was wrong

One of the really wonderful things about finding more candles on my birthday cake is that every day I learn something, that is I learn something if I listen.  The flip side of this continual learning is sometimes I discover that along the way I have told someone something I believed to be true, then

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