
You are more!

Am I my job?  Am I my car?  Am I my house? Am I my income?  In every case the answer is a resounding NO!  You are more than our house, your car, your job or your income, yet sometimes we find ourselves identifying more with our stuff than who we are inside. Years ago […]

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Muck and Mire

Muck and Mire are what we call fear.  Muck and Mire are what we call gossip.  The result of blaming others for what we have or don’t have is also an example of Muck and Mire.  Just as we banished guilt the other day as having no place in our now, neither is there a place

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The beautiful word “No”

If you are the type of person who tends to want to please other people, as I am, that beautiful word “no” comes hard to you.  I have said yes many times when it would mean giving up my playtime, when it means working later than I would otherwise like to work.  I have said yes rather

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To love Myself

Sure, what else are you going to expect from a guy who titles his book It’s All About Me?- but let me ask you this; do you love yourself?  Do you love yourself enough to stop being a victim of life?  Do you love yourself enough to do healthful things in your life?  Do you love

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Can’t, Won’t, Don’t Wanna

I have written here previously about my being a proud part of the All American Soap Box Derby. An experience this weekend gave me another reason to cherish that association.  We had a race in Oceanside, California and a family was coming from Northern California to attend.  On the way down their van caught fire.  They

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The Blame Game

Until we accept personal responsibility for our own actions, words, desire and thoughts we have but one tool in our tool chest to allow us to move forward: Blame. We blame others for the state of our lives, we blame others for the condition of our marriages.  “You ruined my (our) life, you cost me

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Stand in your own Power

What does it mean to stand in your own power?  It means: 1) being aware of what you are doing 2) knowing why you are doing it, and 3) doing it in a manner which supports your goals, and the best in everyone concerned. This is being In-powered. At Choiceful Living Seminars, through the In-powerment program, what we want

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It’s All Too Much!

No question about it, we are entering the busiest season of the year for most people.  Halloween is  here, and how far behind can the Turkey Dinner/shopping/party/family/stress-out bonanza be? and if the holidays are not enough, it  is election season too.  The pressure is all too much!  If there is anytime in the year we want

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One of the first things we must come to realize as we step into an In-powered world and experience, is that we can no longer blame anyone else for our actions, our choices, our thoughts. As a result, we can not longer blame the boss, our parents, spouse, friends or the dog for our not achieving or

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