Is it too simple to be true?

The theory of Occum’s Razor which dates back to the 1300’s is that “among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.” Obviously we cannot date this idea to a specific point in time, we can presume people understood this long before an English Franciscan friar put it into a form we […]

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One of the most difficult truths we face as human beings is that the only constant is change.  We change jobs, we change living spaces, we change automobiles, change is all around us, change is the lifeblood of our experience, and yet we seem to either want to fight change, or we cannot wait for

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Perfection or Excellence?

The Rayne Water shop near my home posts great thought starters on their message board along the freeway, and this was a recent post: “Don’t Strive For Perfection, Strive For Excellence.”  What a great realization this can be; if each and every time we so something we strive for excellence.  Only excellence you ask? Well

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Credit where credit is due

“There is no I in team”, “together we accomplish more”, do you have your favorite quote about working together? Look on the HR wall, you will probably see many more sayings which remind us success is the product of many hands (and failure is an orphan.) We just celebrated Thanksgiving, and hopefully we all took

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The Golden Thread

Here we are on the eve of Thanksgiving, traditionally a day set aside to share gratitude for the blessings in our lives.  2015 is another year where we honestly have to ask ourselves if the blessings might just be outweighed by world and national events.  We see and hear religion pitted against religion, people fighting

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“Disharmony, fighting, anger are all around me, I can’t work this way”  Have you ever heard these thoughts in your mind?  What can you do about this overwhelming feeling of discord? I would like to give you a magic wand to dispel all this gunk, I really would, but the magic wand shop closed last

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I think we all have a tendency to want to understand what is going on around us.  I will go even further to suggest that it is the feeling we do not understand what is going on which is the most frightening and maddening aspect of life.  Unfortunately it is this desire to understand events

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Suck ’em up!

No, this is not about enjoying a brew on the beach on Maui (although that sounds great.) What I want to discuss is those people in our lives who live through being emotional vampires.  I think you know the person I am speaking about; they call at all hours demanding you listen to their angst,

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To love Myself

Sure, what else are you going to expect from a guy who titles his book It’s All About Me?- but let me ask you this; do you love yourself?  Do you love yourself enough to stop being a victim of life?  Do you love yourself enough to do healthful things in your life?  Do you love

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I have too often found myself listening to another person tell me about something that is happening in their lives or a problem they are experiencing, then wanting to jump right in and “fix” whatever it is.  Do you identify with this tendency? I have been told this desire to “fix things” is a male

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