Happy New Year!

2016.  How long will it take you to remember to use the ’16 as you write your checks and fill out paperwork?  I always get a great laugh as I watch myself adapt to the new year.  And as I wrote on Wednesday, resolutions are something which can work for us, or against us, so if […]

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Those darned resolutions

Over the years I have watched with joy the influx of people just after the new year to the Gym where I work out.  Most come for a week, some stay for a month, but far and away the greatest number of people give up on their resolution of getting in shape, or shedding those

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Did you get it?

Well, did you get it?  Did you get that something special you hoped was under the tree for you?  Did you get the appreciation for those gifts you lovingly purchased and prepared you hoped to get?  Did Christmas and the events surrounding Christmas Day fill you with joy and wonderful memories? I truly hope you

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Merry Christmas

No matter if you are celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus, the birth of crystal clear awareness, the arrival of Santa Claus, or simply a well deserved day off, we at Choicefull Living Seminars wish you the best of everything beginning this very moment. We have offered many thoughts these past few months which

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Messages of Love

Is there anything more wonderful in our lives than love?  Is there anything more difficult in our lives than love?  Love is one of the most difficult of emotions/experiences we humans have, for the simple reason that we tend to overthink the whole thing and miss the point. Love can be an experience; by this

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This is the season when many of us are called to look upon miracles as depicted in Scripture.  How beautiful is that!  We allow ourselves to look at these events, revel in the wonder and joy of the events, and then we let the experience end right there.  Why?  Why are we so certain the age of

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This is it!  One week to go before Christmas gifts are due to be opened.  Perhaps this weekend you plan to do your final shopping (or, like me, begin my shopping!)  so let’s take a moment and think about the gifting. Just for a moment imagine you go out looking for a present, the perfect

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What we say and what we do

Every thing you want is yours for the having.  Everything.  If you want romance and passion, it is yours to experience in the most delightful ways.  If you want a high paying, emotionally filling job, it is waiting for you right now.  If you want to travel and experience the wonders of this wonderful country,

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Our Journey

What is the purpose of life?  Why do we walk this planet?  What is happiness?  Philosophers over the eons have pondered these questions; poets and romantics have filled countless volumes with their thoughts too.  Do you have an answer to these questions you are comfortable about?  The reason I ask is because it is my

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Where did the year go?

I bet you will hear that phrase “where did the year go” at least a dozen times this week if you listen.  Where did the year go?  It went where all seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years go; into the past.  This is a perfectly natural process which shows us we are being fully

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