Through the window

As I sit here looking out through my window, enjoying the sights outside, it occurs to me that what I am doing is exactly what I do with my life; if I look out the window and see a thunder storm and torrential rains outside, I can see those bolts of lightening and rivers of […]

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Let’s Just loaf

As Forrest Gump might say, “life is like a loaf of bread.” Life has its ups and downs, just like a loaf of bread.  Think about the process of making bread; you mix up the dough, put it in a bowl and let it rise, then punch the bread down an let it rise again,

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Let’s Celebrate!

By the power vested in me by the Universe I hereby declare this day to be the day of YOU!!!!  Let’s Celebrate!! Why do we wait around for a special occasion to celebrate?  Each and every day is a cause for celebration, heck, each and every moment is a cause for celebration!  Each moment of

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Gotta Get Away!

I had the delightful experience of going to Maui this past week to meet my lady as she completed her tour of Japan.  Yes, we just wanted to get away, and the beaches, highways and restaurants were filled with others who just wanted to get away.  The winds were busy, showers came almost every day,

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Free to choose

Here we are, the first day of what will be a long four day weekend for many people, so it is time for a reminder as we bask in our summer activities, our celebrations, parades and fireworks, that we are enjoying this weekend because some folks a couple hundred years ago got together and told

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It ain’t perfect!

No, life ain’t perfect, but it’s good!  yes, life unfolds perfectly, we are at the right place at the right time, we are learning the perfect lessons for what we want or have asked to learn, the perfect people are drawn to us and are around us all the time, there is no question about

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Solutions which aren’t

Why is it we work so hard to come up with solutions to problems only to have them fail?  Because too often we are not working on the CAUSE of the problem, we are dealing with the EFFECT of the problem. Think about going to a Doctor because we are having stomach problems.  the good

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I am done

What would it look like if right now we all stopped and declared “I Am Done!  I am done being accommodating to hate, fear, racism, bigotry, and the quest for personal power.”  That would be a powerful statement indeed!   Those of us who walk this planet clearly knowing that Love is the most powerful

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Be not afraid

I heard this morning that someone has counted 365 instances in the King James Bible the phrase “Be Not Afraid.”  This makes it the most common teaching in the entire scriptures. Even if the count is off a little, the idea that we are advised to not be afraid so frequently in one of the

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