
This season, the Holidays, are the perfect time to turn a new leaf, especially with family.  Over the years lots of things have happened which may have driven a wedge between you and those you truly love.  The important thing to remember is that any wedge that has been driven can be removed.  It doesn’t […]

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One or the Other

Is there someone in your life you truly, completly and deeply love?  I truly hope there is, for is there anything greater than having the best parts of yourself reflected back to you?  That person is bringing out the very best in you, paving the way to reach the new heights of your possibility, and

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Here we are on the verge of celebrating another Christmas which, joyfully, also coincides with the first night of Hanukah.  This is a season devoted to peace; world peace as well as peace within ourselves.  This is a season bedecked with images intended to help achieve peace.  We have songs, images, movies and television programs,

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The Need for Approval

Here’s one of those things I am not all that proud about; my quest for approval.  Know what I mean?  When you know what is the right thing to do yet you do something else simply because you believe it is what someone else wants?  Not a great feeling is it. Humans are, by nature,

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I will survive

Although Donna Summer sang this song beautifully in the 70’s, it’s not much of a credo by which to live.  Have I mentioned in these blogs that words have power?  Do you want to just survive, or do you want to thrive?  It takes the same amount of energy to commit yourself to surviving the

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Ritual and Pageantry

For many years I was the guy who scoffed at ritual. I had no use for those practices which required participants to dress a certain way or assemble in a certain manner.  Fortunately I have lived long enough to outgrow this resistance.  What about you? Through my travels I have witnessed the power which comes from

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Shine, Shine, Shine

What is the best part of you? What is the aspect that deep down inside you know is something very few people have recognized about you?  The part that, if people knew about, would make them so grateful that they know you?  Come on, you know there is something; you can admit it to yourself. No

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Angels Among Us

Where do you come down on the question of Angels among us?  Do you believe there are heavenly bodies with wings and glowing auras hovering around us?  Do you perhaps believe there are unseen messengers and protectors who guide our actions?  Or are you one of the people who believe that there are angels walking

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Why Gift?

Christmas, and Hanukkah overlap this year, Kwanza is right there too, so maybe you feel overwhelmed by the demands of gifting this year.  The question is; Why Gift at all?  Gifting out of obligation is no gift at all.  Does this mean you should simply not gift?  It could, if that is how you want to

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