Putting it all together

Life is like a picture puzzle.  We have a bunch of pieces in front of us, but no picture of what the whole puzzle should look like.  Piece by piece we assemble the pieces we have until they are all in place.  This is a cause for celebration!  We finally have it all together. Then […]

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Thanksgiving and Passover

Twenty-four hours to Thanksgiving 2018.    Being a Gentile, the similarities of Thanksgiving and  the Jewish celebration of Passover had not occurred to me before today.  As I researched the similarities I was reminded that there is very little in our experience that does not have a precedent. Linking the celebrations Of course Thanksgiving is

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Worry, worry, worry

We worry, oh yes we do!  What will others think, what will others do, what will I do, what if this doesn’t work!  One the things we as humans do best is to worry.  Some people actually define their lives by how much worry they do.  If they do not do enough, they feel they

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I see you

Connecting with people requires us to go far beyond simply seeing that there is a person in front of us.  In the movie Avatar “I see you” was the greeting the People used with each other.  Think about that; when you look at another person do you actually see them, or their appearance?   Appearances

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From the Sanskrit, a Mantra is a short phrase that is used in certain Spiritual practices.  You might also think of it as an invocation or incantation.  Adherents repeat their mantra over and over in an attempt to connect with God or place themselves in a place of receptivity for the good they seek to

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Am I good enough

Our insecurities come through at the most amazing times.  This past week I attended a convention of people in the wedding industry; planners, DJ’s event site people and of course Wedding Officiants.  As an Ordained Minister it has been my honor to perform ceremonies for many, many couples over the years, yet here I was

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The limit of your ability

What is the limit of your ability?  This is one of the areas where we fall short almost every day. We underestimate just how much we can learn, do and feel.   Excuses The true issue is not our ability to learn, to grow or to love, the issue is we simply don’t want to

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What are you doing today?

So many people who go through self improvement courses, or even life changing experiences stop after one or two rounds.  It is like saying “I did the work, I’m done now.”  This is a big mistake.  Self improvement does not end when the retreat ends. Digging a well Liken spiritual development to a well.  You

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It all has to go

Compromise seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird.  As we revel in the silly-season of elections there seem to be few candidates, (or voters for that matter) who seem willing to hear what the other side is saying.  Good ideas have no political party, no gender.  As we sink deeper into the

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Living beyond instinct

Animals live almost exclusively by instinct.  They find food, protect their young and reproduce instinctually.  Isn’t it beautiful?  We, as humans however, have a much broader range of possibilities at our fingertips than simple instinct.  We can reason, compute and build.  Right now, it seems, many people are living at the basest level of life.

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