I Don’t Hear You

Yes, I know your lips are moving, and I hear sound coming from your mouth, but I do not hear you because you are speaking Butterfly and I am listening as Bear, or you are speaking Bear and I am listening as Butterfly. Does this situation sound familiar?  There is no “war of the sexes,” but […]

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Know Thy Enemy

Who is our enemy?  Can we live without having an enemy?  What if there is no enemy at all?  Could it be that defining another person, place or thing as an enemy is simply a convoluted way of defining ourselves?  Could it be that unless we have some one or some thing to push against

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Spring Cleaning

Yep, it’s that time again, our annual Spring Cleaning time.  The time when we traditionally air out the house, dispose of the clutter of winter hibernation, and prepare for the new season.  But spring cleaning is not only a physical activity, it is a Spiritual and emotional activity as well.  When we clear out a

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It’s My Voice I Hear

When someone speaks to me it really doesn’t matter what they say, it is my own voice I hear.  Whatever preconceived notions I have about any topic will filter what I hear, and this is what leads to communication challenges for us all.  This tendency to hear anything through our own filters is present in each and

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Shells in Time

We may be walking around experiencing life, but that does not mean we are living life.  Many people are simply Shells in Time, taking meaning from other peoples lives, letting the beliefs of others define who and what they are.  Living, but not alive.  Choicefull Living Seminars is committed to helping us out of this limbo of life;

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The First Step

The first step in any change is releasing the idea that no change is necessary.  Put another way, change can only take place when our beliefs in our old limitations end.   Our ingrained beliefs are very powerful things.  They can actually set up protective barriers to prevent them being released.  They are self-protecting and

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Shifting responsibility

When we are “shifting responsibility”  it means trying to place blame on someone else through carefully crafted wordsmithing.  Call it what you wish, placing the blame on someone else to get us off the hook is bad ju-ju.   Look around you, you know someone in your circle who is very skilled at shirking responsibility for

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Starting at the Top

As we set our intentions for what we want to be, do and have being clear is essential; clear to the point of actually envisioning ourselves doing, being or having.  But it is not enough to vision our dreams and dream of ourselves in that place, there are also steps to take to actually being

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Different Languages

Men and Women do not actually speak different languages, what is different is how the message of that language is delivered.  Working with different communication styles has been the journey I have been on while writing Bear and Butterfly, and I really want to share what I have learned with you. In Bear and Butterfly I break

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It is one of the most basic of all communication truths; Information is Power.  One of the challenges we have in today’s world is that we are bombarded with information, some of this information is true, some questionable, and some of that information is outright false.  In this bombardment of information it is quite easy

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