Just ahead

I am living my dream, life is so good that sometimes I feel just a tad guilty that I have all these blessings surrounding me (OK, not all that guilty!).  But what I know so clearly is that no matter how perfect today seems, no matter how fulfilling my life is today, the true realization […]

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Product of the past

We are all products of our past, no matter how much we want to overcome our past, even our attempts to overcome our past defines us.  Every experience we have ever had, even those we did not necessarily experience, but just heard about, are part of our beings today.  This is something we cannot get

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One can learn much from looking at the popular culture of a country, or generation.  Take, for instance, the popularity of zombies among a certain demographic of the United States.  How many movies, television shows and halloween costumes are zombie oriented?  What this reflects about this demographic (and I say this without judgement) is a

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Getting inspiration

I have discovered I love to write.  For the longest time it was my belief that I could not write well, probably because some teacher or other told me my essay was lacking, that the way these things come into our belief system.  And it is why it is so important for us to review

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Fighting against

Which approach do you think is the most effective– fighting against something, or fighting for something?  You might be surprised to discover that the most powerful position we can take is to fight for something if we have to fight at all. Let’s take a specific example; if I choose to fight against a woman’s

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The future

Nothing happens in the future. No, I am not being a fatalist, nor predicting doom and gloom.  What I am saying is that the future does not exist except as a concept.  Things happen in the now; right now, and not a moment later.  This moment, this very moment you are looking at this word

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Off shore wisdom

We spend a great deal of time and effort looking for inspiration and wisdom, peace, love and prosperity outside ourselves; as though the only answers to our desires must come from an “off shore source.”  As Dr. Phil might ask; “How is that working for you?” In almost every instance what you are seeking is already within

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But, what if…

But what if our view of a situation is incorrect; not because we are wrong, but simply because we are not seeing the whole picture?   But what if we are viewing events not as they are today, but through the lens of things that happened years ago? But what if we did not truly

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The Trees

We have hoped, prayed, treated, imagined, planned and schemed to achieve something in our lives but we often wonder where the heck the manifestion of all that visualization is.  Brothers and Sisters, believe me, it is manifesting, but we are so deep in the trees of our lives we often cannot see the unfolding of

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Driving Me Crazy

When my beautiful Bride Terrie starts chattering at me about something on her mind I sometimes mentally run and hide because I know there will be about a zillion words coming my way, and I won’t know which ones to listen to.  I also know that when my beautiful Bride Terrie asks me a question

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