Magical Thinking

Simply put; magical thinking is believing that if I behave in alignment someone else’s idea of how I should behave my life will be wonderful.  All too often we fall into this trap, heavens knows I have done so many times.  The problem is magical thinking rarely produces anything other than resentment. The other side […]

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That’s just the way it is

If you want to stop dead in your tracks in your happiness, say the words “That’s just the way it is.”  Saying these words (and as we know, words have power) means you are not willing to even consider that things could be different. My belief is that real change will not take place in

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Choiceful Living on TV

Some of you know I am married to one of the most amazing people on the planet, Terrie Symons, who is also known as Lady Ashtar.  My bride and I recently taped a television show with the delightful Paula Vail which will  debut today in the US on many viewing platforms and I hope you

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You say you want to do or be something; something very special to your heart, but then you behave or do things contrary to that dream.  How can you expect the Universe to assist you in manifesting that dream if you project something different? “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have”

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You have talents, please never doubt for even one moment you have unique talents the world needs.  If this were not the case, you would not be here.  Some people have the talent of creating inspiring works of art, others have the talent of verbal communication, some have the talent of helping others find their

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Are we going to continue to observe Columbus Day with all the controversy surrounding the new views about Christopher?  Will the Electoral College go away? Is it right for sports figures to express themselves?  These  and other controversies swirl around us these days: Gun control, the President, plaid or stripes, seems like everyday we have

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Peace on Earth

Praying for peace on earth is a wonderful thing, but sitting in your room praying is not enough.  You see, there is already peace on earth, it is the actions of people that are not supporting peace on earth.  This is where we run into a duality of life; God, The Universe, All There Is,

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Slippery Slope

When we set out to deprive someone else of the rights we enjoy, we end up denying those very same rights to ourselves. I was recently going through some old notes for talks I have given and came across a list that showed how the concept of “Do Unto Others What You Would Have Done

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But HE did….

A long time ago my parents made it very clear to me that just because someone else did something, it was no reason for me to do it too.   All too often on my newsfeed I see people pointing fingers to try to justify their own thoughtless, mean and greed-driven actions by saying others

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It’s my birthday!

Isn’t it funny how when we were five years old the arrival of our birthday was something that could keep us up at night in anticipation of the magic day?  “I am five!” we would proclaim to anyone within earshot.  This continued for maybe twenty years until our birthdays became just another day, maybe a

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