
You say you want to do or be something; something very special to your heart, but then you behave or do things contrary to that dream.  How can you expect the Universe to assist you in manifesting that dream if you project something different?

“Dress for the job you want, not the job you have” is a well known saying, and it is so true.  If you truly have the commitment to step into a job as a CEO but walk around dressed as a street person what do you think will happen?  It doesn’t matter what talents you have, you must be willing to commit to that new level, even to the degree of wearing different clothing.  I recently realized that I had been projecting one image of myself while dreaming of a completely different image.  Once I realized what I was doing, and began dressing, speaking and projecting myself into my new dream, things began moving in the direction I wanted.  We are not only showing others what we want to be, we are showing ourselves how we see ourselves.  First, see yourself succeeding, then you can succeed!

Make the commitment, not just to others, not just in words, but in actions and projections for your own success.  Yes, there are examples of people getting fantastic jobs like a bolt of lightening has struck, but those are few and far between.  The Universe wants to support you in achieving everything you desire, but you have to make the commitment to cooperating with the Universe to succeed.

In Think, Believe, Receive I have written about this process.  I know if you read this book you will have a clearer idea of how to experience the life you dream about.  Get it at

Think Believe Receive