Being courageous

Being courageous is a continuation of my writing from last Friday about courage. Being courageous in your life The prerequisite to loving any other person is to love yourself first.  This is no easy task.  It seems like every time we turn-around someone is offering us a reason not to love ourselves.  They will tell you […]

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Having courage

Very often we hear the words courage and bravery used as synonyms, as though they have the same meaning.  They do not have the same meaning.  Among the definitions of the word bravery you will find the word courage, but among the definitions of courage bravery hardly appears at all.  What you will find as

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Your perspective

From the perspective of a narrow, dirty city alley, life can look pretty ugly.  If you are standing on a broad, well-tended avenue bustling with life in the same city, the world is filled with more possibility.  Go to a hilltop overlooking the same city, that city looks picturesque.  Should you find your self standing

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Being Wrong

There is nothing wrong with being wrong.  There is simply no way we can know everything, every time.  What we do this  moment is the best we know how to do at this moment.  Given the same set of choices at another moment in time we might choose to do things differently, but there ya

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Feeling optimistic

I am optimistic about the future of our young women.  Yes, I know there are so many reasons to be concerned about them; but we don’t have to go into them here.  What has me optimistic is my interaction with twenty two fantastic young ladies last night. Judging from the past Having come of age

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The software of doubt

Have you run a system scan on your thinking looking for software of doubt?  For most of us it is there, just like a brain virus. Brain virus does not have to mean something like meningitis.  Brain virus can also mean catching the disease of “I can’t.” Just like your computer Just as your computer

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Failure is success

Failure can be success.  “Show me a good loser, and I will show you a loser.”  These immortal words have driven generations of people to fear the idea of failure.  The result has been a culture of blame.   Are you crazy? Am I crazy to suggest that failure is simply success in another guise?

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The beginning of time

Right now, right this very moment is the beginning of time, and you are part of it.  Each and everything that has occurred before this moment is history.  People may argue about what has happened and why, but you and only you determine what will happen from this moment forward. Outside forces I am fully

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A clear message

While a wonderful public spirited energy is manifesting in our nation, what is missing is a clear message.  No one wants our school children to be at risk of being gunned-down at school, I think we can all agree on that.  But when people take to the streets to get this message across, it is

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Building a relationship

You want to build a relationship.  Everything you do is about building a relationship with that special someone; the dating web sites, the mixers, you name it, but alas, nothing has happened yet.  I admit it, there are like a bizzillion suggestions out there on the topic of relationships.  In this one blog there is not

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