
Get intimate with your power

Get intimate with my power?  Are you saying what I think you are saying?  Probably not, but it got your attention. Getting intimate What I mean is, get to know your personal power so you can use it to your advantage.  You are using that power anyway, why not use it to get what you […]

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What you believe

You can believe many things, and at the same time have no faith in your beliefs.  For example; an atheist will renounce their belief in any type of Supreme Being.  But sooner or later they will probably be heard saying something like “God help us.”  An ardent Christian my profess to believe Jesus, or God

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We spend huge amounts of energy trying to avoid showing or feeling emotions.  In doing this we deprive ourselves of a huge amount of joy in our lives. Emotions are not bad Despite what we have been taught, experiencing an emotion is not a bad thing.  Emotions are part of our being.  They are there

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So much of our lives are centered on the pursuit of distraction.  We fill our lives with events and electronic input.  The end result is that when we find ourselves in the position of no activity and the internet is down we don’t know what to do with ourselves.  In extreme cases the resulting absence

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Your Memorial

When it comes time for your memorial service, what will people say about you?  Will their words be of someone who devoted their life to living and service?  How would you like to be remembered?   Admittedly, the topic of death and memorial services is not one most people want to spend much time looking

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The School of Love

The School of Love is in session, and you are the only student. Set aside all the conflicting definitions of love.  Release the idea that love and romance are synonymous.  Fear of being misunderstood as you stand in love is a distraction from your classwork.   Focus on yourself How do you feel about yourself?

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Levels of Consciousness

When I speak of Consciousness I am referring to how we view the world, how we view ourselves and how we view the interconnectedness of all things. Consciousness is an evolving experience, and it is a very personal thing.  We cannot judge anyone else’s consciousness, in many cases not even our own.  What is an

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Wanting to help

In wanting to support our loved ones we often offer “helpful advice.”  “You should try this.”  “Do it this way.”  We mean well, we really do want to help, but often our “helpful advice” and our good intentions simply piss-off the other person.   Bear and Butterfly In my book, Bear and Butterfly I examine

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Jumping the fence

When we were little kids an obstacle was no problem, we simply jumped over the fence, or gate or sleeping dog.  As we added years to our count, for some reason we begin to forget that an obstacle is not a roadblock if we are committed to moving forward. Discernment I try to view an obstacle as

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