
You can only be you

Stop for a moment and consider how you have been trained- yes trained just as we domesticate a pet- to be who and what other people want us to be.  Our very first training begins with wanting to please mommy or daddy who are the source of our food and safety.  Then we expand into wanting […]

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Create Community

Humans are social creatures.  We value community in so many forms. We join churches, fraternal organizations, clubs and groups by the score, That is just the way we are, however have you ever considered that YOU can be the focal point for a community?  By standing clearly in our power; by standing in our truth we can

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Do Your Best

Doing your best seems like such a no brainer.  Of “Course I do my best, I do my best all the time!”  But right here, just between you and I, is there a part of you which sometimes aims for “just good enough?” Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements has an interesting take

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In the book It’s All About Me I have an entire chapter about the pitfalls of Assumptions and Expectations I think you will enjoy, and Don Miguel Ruiz also wrote of Assumptions as his third agreement in the book The Four Agreements.   How many times have assumptions become the bane of your experience? How many

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The noose around my neck

Often in these blogs we have looked at realizing our dreams, and what is holding us in place away from those dreams.  What ever is holding us back is like a noose around our necks; sometimes it seems the harder we try to move forward the tighter the noose gets.  That is exactly how a noose

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Don’t take it personally

As I continue my review of the wonderful book by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, and compare the suggestions contained in this book shamelessly with those contained in my own book It’s All About Me, today we look at the idea of being more impersonal with our work with others. Certainly somewhere along the line

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Be Impeccable

Know how it is; you read a book at some point, enjoy the message, then put it away for awhile, then you are called to open that book again?  Well that happened with me recently.  Four or five years ago I read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Its a wonderful book book with

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Liberate your Inner Child

You probably have heard about your “inner child”, that part of you who wants to run and play and blow off work, eat ice cream for dinner, and who wants to pout when you don’t get your way.  Yes, that inner child is indeed alive and well within you right now.  If you have not let

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The beautiful word “No”

If you are the type of person who tends to want to please other people, as I am, that beautiful word “no” comes hard to you.  I have said yes many times when it would mean giving up my playtime, when it means working later than I would otherwise like to work.  I have said yes rather

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