
Solutions which aren’t

Why is it we work so hard to come up with solutions to problems only to have them fail?  Because too often we are not working on the CAUSE of the problem, we are dealing with the EFFECT of the problem. Think about going to a Doctor because we are having stomach problems.  the good […]

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I am done

What would it look like if right now we all stopped and declared “I Am Done!  I am done being accommodating to hate, fear, racism, bigotry, and the quest for personal power.”  That would be a powerful statement indeed!   Those of us who walk this planet clearly knowing that Love is the most powerful

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Be not afraid

I heard this morning that someone has counted 365 instances in the King James Bible the phrase “Be Not Afraid.”  This makes it the most common teaching in the entire scriptures. Even if the count is off a little, the idea that we are advised to not be afraid so frequently in one of the

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Increase your world

Increase your inner world and your outer world cannot help but also increase.  Increase only your outer world and nothing much about you will change. We have discussed in many blogs how accumulating stuff will not increase your feelings of self worth and joy.  This is another way to approach the same topic with perhaps a

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Healing ourselves

We often hear or speak about “healing ourselves”, which is a wonderful concept, once we understand what it is we want to heal.  That is the power of having a doctor look at us when we don’t feel well.  Some of us try to look-up on-line what is “wrong” with us and get so caught

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A different perspective

Have you ever tried to see something another person told you was there, like a dolphin swimming by in the ocean, but could not see it until you looked just a little off to the side of where it was? Once you spotted the dolphin out of the corner of your eye, you could then

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A Trickle

A drip becomes a flow, a flow becomes a creek, a creek becomes a river, a river becomes the ocean.  This is how creativity works; rarely can we step from the germ of an idea right into an ocean of reality.  There is a process to life, to expansion, to raising our consciousness, which begins

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Restoring the Past

As we look back upon our lives we often think that if we had done this, or done that, our lives would be richer today.  Sometimes we kick ourselves because we did not accept an offer or opportunity, or remain in a relationship.  This is part of the human experience, we like to say, yet

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I love being me

If you are feeling blah about life.  If you are doubting your self-worth, if you are beginning to think “they” are right- you will never amount to anything greater than what you were, there is a simple step you can take to help break through to the new and higher level; look into the mirror

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