Brian Graham


We all face disappointment sooner or later.  The job we wanted goes to someone else, our children don’t behave as we would like them to, the relationship we thought would be “the one” vanishes in a cloud of acrimony.  We get used to these disappointments most of the time and move on, but sometimes disappointment […]

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The Doves chorus

Our stress level is perhaps the greatest factor on our physical and emotional health.  Stress not only affects us moment to moment, but its cumulative effects come back to haunt us in so many different guises; cancers, digestive disorders, failed relationships, even our job performance.  The list of “cures” for stress grows everyday, but perhaps

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A rush to judgment

It seems to me that today, the entire industry of providing news is predicated upon encouraging a rush to judgment.  Now, I get that there is so much competition to be the first to break a story, to be the first to get an interview that caution is often thrown to the wind when it

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Keep on pouring

On your spiritual journey, sometimes the most important thing you can do is to keep on pouring.  Let me explain.  You reach the point in your spiritual evolution where what you are doing does not seem to be producing results;  you are no happier now than when you started.  This is not time to give

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In memory of…

This Monday we in the U.S. will be in memory of those who have died for our country; Memorial Day.  This holiday may go back as far as ancient Greece, at least the idea of recognizing those who have fallen in service to their countries.  As for America, 1866 is the first recognized observance, and

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Be in balance

Being in balance with what we believe is one of the most certain signs we believe what we say.  Have you ever met someone who professes to believe in a particular theology, but when you ask them questions about their beliefs they get very defensive?  This is a sure sign they are not in balance

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Your influence

Most of us don’t believe we have any real influence in this world.  Yes, we may see an impact on our children (for a while).  Yes we may occasionally recognize a contribution we make at work, but that’s about it.  This absence of impact on the world leads us to feeling rather ineffective in our

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Sentient Beings

Sentient beings are anything that perceives or feels.  Does this mean that only humans are sentient?  Let me ask you; does a pet perceive anything? Does a tree or plant feel anything?  Quite obviously, both feel and perceive.   Our limited awareness Homo Sapiens are at the top of the food chain, so we often

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Seeing the future

Would you like to know what the future holds for you?  Just once wouldn’t you like to know if you should take this action as opposed to that action and know, simply know how things would turn out?   The future is in flux If you have experienced an astrological reading and the astrologer is

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From here, I look good!

As we travel our individual paths to ascension we often find ourselves thinking “As far as I know, I am a delightful person!”  Unfortunately, from others we are hearing quite a different story.  Our immediate reaction may be to bless them and their ideas, and move on.  Or, we may feel hurt or angry about

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