Brian Graham

New Eyes

Marcel Proust is quoted as saying “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”  Wow, just sit with that thought for a moment: we do not have to go anywhere to encounter a discovery worth noting, we do not have to spend money or hire an exotic […]

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Fighting the World

OK, so maybe I am on a theme this week.  Wednesday I posted about conspiracy, and today I want to look at how we sometimes feel we must fight the entire world to survive.  An interesting thought came to my attention this week; humans, are hardwired to cooperate.  When we watch the evening news it

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The Great Conspiracy

Sometimes it feels like everyone, and I mean everyone, is out to get us.  People are working in the background to sabotage our work, steal the credit for our work, and to just make our lives miserable.  I will not say that this is never true, however most people are so busy covering their own

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It’s the story that counts

Today we celebrate Columbus Day.  Columbus the hero, the intrepid explorer, the smooth talker, a man of supreme confidence, fearless leader, visionary.  Great story!  In actuality, Columbus was not the first to know the world was round, he was a pretty good confidence man, he managed to parley some accidents into a general perception of

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Feeling dumb

I am the first to admit my computer skills are…OK, somewhat behind where they might be.  I also like to think I am a pretty even tempered guy, able to deal with things as they come along and keep an even keel, HOWEVER, when I get on the phone with a tech support person about

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Your Field of Dreams

Ray Kinsella planted his Field of Dreams in Iowa, you plant your Field of Dreams in your heart.  You plant this field every day, every moment. No matter if you plant a field of corn, a baseball diamond, or a patio garden there is one thing in common for all these fields, you will have

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It’s My Journey

At the beach this afternoon I saw an older man go into the surf wearing a long coat, long pants and shoes.  He was clearly having a good time and harming no one, but the police showed up.  Every time this guy goes to the beach someone calls the police because he isn’t “normal.”  In

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