Looking for that someone special?

Are you looking for that someone special?  Someone who will have you walking with your feet off the ground?  Someone who makes you look forward to living each moment of each day?  When we find someone who does that the world changes on so many levels.  But here is the truth about that experience  which comes from that indescribable feeling; it is not the other person who has us feeling that way, it is that other person handing us the key to the most special person there is; ourselves.

Please, please, please do not jump to conclusions; that other person is to be treasured.  They see in you what you have forgotten about yourself.  They hold up that mirror to our souls so that we can remember that not matter what is swirling around us, no matter what our financial situation might be, no matter how our skin might look at this moment, that behind all that “stuff” there is a person who is not only worthy of love, but worthwhile to love.  Now that is an amazing gift.

Do you really, truly understand you are worthwhile to be loved?  You are.

I am firmly of the belief that so many of the events which have captured the headlines recently stem from individuals who have forgotten they are worthwhile and are seeking to find validation through actions which harm so many.  Is there anything we can do to change that as individuals?  The only way to make a change is  one person at a time.  Legislation will not produce the change, enforcement will not make a change, it is only through the actions of people; one person at a time which will produce the change.

When you find that someone special within yourself, make it a point to share that discovery with someone else. Who knows how many lives that will touch?

The Involved Observer                                             Think, Believe, Receive