Brian Graham

Two way street

Communication with the Universe, that part of us that is always there, always speaking to us, is a two way street.  We may think of this voice as our sub-conscious, or our angels, or our conscience, but it is always there, always guiding, supporting and loving us. This voice is not only helping us find […]

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First: Cause

How often do we get caught up in trying to treat a symptom of something without reviewing what the cause of that symptom is?  Answer: very frequently.  We treat the symptoms of a cold, such as sniffles and coughs, but we cannot treat the cause, the cold itself, which is still beyond our understanding to

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I have the greatest possible respect for what is called the Scientific Method.  This is where, to be considered true, a result must be verified, quantifiable and repeatable.  This weeds-out those accidental occurrences and false leads.  Yet so much of what we experience in our lives; the lessons we learn, could not withstand the scrutiny

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Recently I was watching a toddler as he sprinted from his Dad’s car parked outside  the bank.  The child ran to the ATM and began pushing buttons, just like his Dad had been doing to get cash, but of course nothing came out of the machine: much to the little ones displeasure. It occurred to

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We are pretty good at recognizing hostility when it is directed at us, heck sometimes we even imagine hostility coming at us when there is none.  But what about the hostility we direct at ourselves?   Yes, we can be hostile to ourselves.  Sometimes the hostility is overt; “You fool, you overlooked that.”  Sometimes our

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Updating your life

Throughout my life I have been known as someone who does not change easily.  I tend to choose the same clothing styles year after year, wear the same brand of watch for decades, and view with a jaundiced eye when someone comes along telling me I need to update this part of my life or

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Independence Day!

Yep, here we are on the eve of Independence Day for our nation.  Most certainly the deeper meaning of this day will get lost somewhere between the bbq and fireworks, so let me take a moment and invite you to think about what independence means; it means to severe the ties the allow others to

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Waiting for the right time

I recently wrote about being in the now and how the now, the present, is the only place and time where we can create.  Oh, sure, we can plan and dream and prepare for tomorrow, but the only place in all of time and space is right now, this moment. Yes, this does seem a

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I’m only human

Words have power.  Have I mentioned that in these blogs before?  Maybe once or twice, and here we are again, the power of words.  When we excuse ourselves by saying “I’m only human” what we are doing is suggesting that as humans we are limited in any way, and this is not true. As humans

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The pause that refreshes

I presume many of us are too young to recall that advertising slogan, but the reminder is still important; the reminder that once in a while it is essential that we pause our lives, our thinking, our talking and simply be. In the book Bear and Butterfly I give some reasons why it might be

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