Waiting for the right time

I recently wrote about being in the now and how the now, the present, is the only place and time where we can create.  Oh, sure, we can plan and dream and prepare for tomorrow, but the only place in all of time and space is right now, this moment.

Yes, this does seem a bit contradictory; planning, dreaming, preparing, is all about tomorrow, or the next day.  The now is not about this afternoon, it is about this instant in time.  Think about the job you now have: at one time it would have seemed beyond possibility to be where you are, and it was because it was in the future.  The moment you got that job was a NOW moment.  Today you look around and think “I could be doing something greater.”  We think that be cause this NOW is filled with new possibility that did not exist back then.  Your perception has changed.  You cannot honestly promise an employer your perception will be a certain way in the future, your perception is what is happening at this instant.  And further, your perception is based upon the past; what you have already experienced.

If we wait for the right moment to advance ourselves we will not recognize it unless we have prepared, dreamed and planned already.  This is a call to stop living life through the rear view mirror and turn your attention to the windshield of your life.  You are the driver of your life and the right moment is NOW to receive into your life the training and preparation to live that brighter future.  

Think, Believe, Receive; three steps to an amazing life is a book that may help you gain the clarity to move into your tomorrow on the best foot.

Think Believe Receive