Brian Graham

There is always more

Why is it so important to find a positive outlook on life?  Because there is always more, that’s why.  If you constantly see doom and misfortune around yourself, there is always more.  If you, on the other hand, constantly see love and joy around you, there is always more too. A balanced life does not […]

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The truth

When the truth, as we know it, is rocked to the core by an experience we are called to do some soul searching.  This is what happened to me yesterday as I visited the Peace Memorial in Hiroshima, Japan.  As I stood on ground zero for the first deployment of a nuclear weapon in the

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It’s Greek to me!

Communication between individuals, regardless of gender, can be one of the most challenging aspects of our lives.  Ofen well-intended words can be mis-intreperted and result in anger or hurt feelings.  What can we do about this? Often the reason our words are not heard is that we are speaking from different energies; I refer to

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Relationship relief

When I was given the assignment to write Bear and Butterfly, THE relationship handbook by Ascended Master Ashtar I wondered what in the world I could add to the myriad of thoughts and words already published on the subject of relationships.  Haven’t we seen and heard all there is to say already?  I thought so,

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I am a fraud

I can look around me and see people I think have it all together, who have perfect lives and know exactly where they are going and what they will do when they get there.  These people scare me.   I look at my life and say to myself “I am a fraud; people think I

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“I have done everything I can to achieve my goal” is what many of us say everyday, and yet we have not reached our goal yet.  Why is that? A couple of days ago I was privileged to view the remains of a Buddhist Monk who had a goal; to relieve the world of pain

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Reach that goal

Once you have decided what you want, once you have realized that to achieve that goal you must stop worrying about how it will be reached and begun relaxing into the perfection of the Universe to deliver what you have asked for, there may be one more thing to do; let go of you fear

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Dabbling in Drama

Some of us think we can dabble in the drama of other peoples lives and walk away unscathed.  They actually think they can control a situation which is, by definition, out of control.  Since I have the soap box for a moment here, my suggestion is that drama, our own, and especially other peoples, is

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Binding Together

One of the keys to a successful relationship, be that relationship between friends, roommates, lovers, business or for that matter, any relationship is to create a bond.  The tricky part is creating a bond that is not so tight it will strangle the relationship.   Within any relationship growth and change are a perfectly natural

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Pop Physchology

The ideas I write about are, for the most part, what is sometimes dismissed as Pop Physchology.  Sometimes I hear people deriding this way of thinking as shallow, simple and child-like.  You know, I am good with that, because the truth is, these ideas are simple and childlike, but they are far from simple!  Who

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