
I see you

Connecting with people requires us to go far beyond simply seeing that there is a person in front of us.  In the movie Avatar “I see you” was the greeting the People used with each other.  Think about that; when you look at another person do you actually see them, or their appearance?   Appearances […]

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From the Sanskrit, a Mantra is a short phrase that is used in certain Spiritual practices.  You might also think of it as an invocation or incantation.  Adherents repeat their mantra over and over in an attempt to connect with God or place themselves in a place of receptivity for the good they seek to

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Carry that weight

Carry that weight is not about shedding those pesky extra pounds.  It is about carrying something much more harmful to our wellbeing; hauling around the weight of other people. The savior complex Many of us believe we have to lift the load of everyone we know, and even some we don’t know but have heard

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Two way street

Communication with the Universe, that part of us that is always there, always speaking to us, is a two way street.  We may think of this voice as our sub-conscious, or our angels, or our conscience, but it is always there, always guiding, supporting and loving us. This voice is not only helping us find

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I have the greatest possible respect for what is called the Scientific Method.  This is where, to be considered true, a result must be verified, quantifiable and repeatable.  This weeds-out those accidental occurrences and false leads.  Yet so much of what we experience in our lives; the lessons we learn, could not withstand the scrutiny

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Have you noticed that when you say something like “I am tired” what you feel is that you are even more tired?  If you say “I am fat” all you can see about yourself is fatness?  How about when you say “I am ready to go.”  Your energy is higher, your outlook is brighter.  “I

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The baggage

Feel that weight on your soul?  The overall malaise of life sucking the joy out of your day, robbing the preciousness of relationships?  Do you wonder why you feel this?  It is the baggage of your life which you have been lugging around behind you.  Every slight committed against you, every snub, lost promotion, all

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