
What are you doing today?

So many people who go through self improvement courses, or even life changing experiences stop after one or two rounds.  It is like saying “I did the work, I’m done now.”  This is a big mistake.  Self improvement does not end when the retreat ends. Digging a well Liken spiritual development to a well.  You […]

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And I Didn’t Even Know

We can take pleasure from things close to us, even certain experiences.  Take for instance the pleasure you get from seeing a child smile.  There is nothing artificial about a childs smile, so it rings in our hearts clearly.  We can recognize this reaction in ourselves, but too often we do not recognize that someone

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Thoughts Create

I have written many times in these blogs that thoughts create things, thoughts create our reality, and this is still true.  This time lets take it a little deeper.  Thoughts create US.  The way we think out pictures on our bodies too. Think of someone you know who always seems to have a smile for

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What is ROK?  It is a Random Act of Kindness!  Well, you might say, my days of being a Boy Scout or a Girl Scout are long past, and this is probably true, but it is no reason to give up acts of kindness.  In fact, those acts are more important for you today than

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Our Exulted Task

Simply put; our Exulted Task is to develop ourselves into people worthy of the gifts we have been given; to shape our lives into lives lived consciously and in the love which is our basic make-up.  How we choose to take up this task is totally up to us as individuals; no one else can

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Be a carrier

Have you ever wanted to really mess with peoples minds?  Here is a fun way to do just that; with every person you cross paths with today, be it walking down the street, or in the supermarket or in the hall at work, and especially if you happen to find yourself on an elevator, look

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A Smile

You might think I am going to write something like “a smile increases your face value” or something like that, but I am not.  You see smiles come in so many ways, some are external, some are internal, some are for show, some smiles come out in a performance, in a job well done or

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