
Updating your life

Throughout my life I have been known as someone who does not change easily.  I tend to choose the same clothing styles year after year, wear the same brand of watch for decades, and view with a jaundiced eye when someone comes along telling me I need to update this part of my life or […]

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Independence Day!

Yep, here we are on the eve of Independence Day for our nation.  Most certainly the deeper meaning of this day will get lost somewhere between the bbq and fireworks, so let me take a moment and invite you to think about what independence means; it means to severe the ties the allow others to

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I am sitting outside a Starbucks in Kunatachi, Japan right now.  All around me are the famous Cherry trees of Japan coming into bloom.  Tourists and locals alike are snapping photos of the blossoms, the air is redolent with their soft fragrance.  In a few days there will be a rain and most of these

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Doing It For Us

Technology is wonderful.  I love being able to whip out my cell phone and look up the name of an actor or the date the Magna Carta was signed, or where to get my next cup of coffee.  Facts at my fingertips; a dream come true.  But what do we do with this wealth of

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Shine, Shine, Shine

What is the best part of you? What is the aspect that deep down inside you know is something very few people have recognized about you?  The part that, if people knew about, would make them so grateful that they know you?  Come on, you know there is something; you can admit it to yourself. No

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Control is a wonderful thing, most of the time.  As we deepen into our Spiritual Selves we learn to control our former urges to say hurtful things, we learn to control our baser instincts, our tempers, and so many other things.  We call this good. On the flip side; if we attempt to control the

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Parallel Play

Last night after a beautiful day of travel my butterfly and I were relaxing in the hotel pool enjoying the interaction of people of all ages.  One of the Moms, watching her children play with complete strangers without conditions made the most interesting comment; “the kids love parallel play.” What she was referring to was the ability

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Through the window

As I sit here looking out through my window, enjoying the sights outside, it occurs to me that what I am doing is exactly what I do with my life; if I look out the window and see a thunder storm and torrential rains outside, I can see those bolts of lightening and rivers of

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Let’s Just loaf

As Forrest Gump might say, “life is like a loaf of bread.” Life has its ups and downs, just like a loaf of bread.  Think about the process of making bread; you mix up the dough, put it in a bowl and let it rise, then punch the bread down an let it rise again,

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Free to choose

Here we are, the first day of what will be a long four day weekend for many people, so it is time for a reminder as we bask in our summer activities, our celebrations, parades and fireworks, that we are enjoying this weekend because some folks a couple hundred years ago got together and told

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