
The root of suffering

According to Buddha the root of all suffering is attachment.  Many people have the mistaken impression that attachment is limited to being attached to our material things, but it is more wide ranging. What is suffering? Suffering is that mental anguish which accompanies the drama of life.  Drama is the after effect of trying to […]

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Ghosts and Hugs

According to my good friend Terry Hall, the Stoic Medium, “Ghosts give sucky hugs.”  This colorful phrase came about after his Father in Law made his transition.  But what does this mean to you and me? Making the most of today Put simply we will all, one day, reach the end of our physical lives.

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Holding hands

As the social creatures we are, it is important to remember 1) that your are divinely created 2) so is everyone else.  Sometimes the very power that comes with being divinely created can be overwhelming, too grand, too much to handle.  This is the time to take someone else’s hand.  There is something about the

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Communication Breakdown

Talk is cheap, so they say, and it is true; words come easily and abundantly, the problem is no matter how many words we use we may not be communicating.  This lack of communication is not simply because others are not listening, it is because they cannot hear us. In my book Bear and Butterfly

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I am sitting outside a Starbucks in Kunatachi, Japan right now.  All around me are the famous Cherry trees of Japan coming into bloom.  Tourists and locals alike are snapping photos of the blossoms, the air is redolent with their soft fragrance.  In a few days there will be a rain and most of these

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I checked, and the word Comfortability is not yet in Websters Dictionary, but it should be!  Comfortability is the ability to take comfort in your life; to take comfort in love; take comfort in who you are.   Have you felt comfortability in your life lately or have you been too busy being what and

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I yam that I yam

Popeye, right? We are who we are, we do what we do ,we think the way we think and we like what we like because of every experience we have ever had.  Doesn’t matter if we thought of that experience as negative, or positive, doesn’t matter if it was painful or joyful; every experience we

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Countdown to greatness

You are on a countdown to greatness.  I know this of you just as I know there is air around me right now.  The only question you need to ask is this: “will my greatness appear right now, or in twenty or thirty years?” Are you prepared to accept that what you are RIGHT NOW

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