Brian K. Graham

Feed the children

To feed the children does not simply mean to give them physical food.  Food, while obviously essential, is only the first step in supporting children.  A child who is provided nourishment but deprived of human touch, love, attention and emotional support withers on the vine. Be aware Be aware of your words to and around

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Build a new model

Are your frustrated with the way your life is going?  Do you feel like everyday is Groundhog Day, and like Bill Murray, nothing ever really changes?  Same old job, same old car, same old friends?  Simply put, the issue is not with your job, or your friends, or your car, the issue is within you,

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Rising above it all

Let’s face it, once in a while we all lose control of our emotions.  We all lose control of that wonderfully evolved person we have become.  It doesn’t matter how much work we have done to love everyone (from near, or perhaps far) the stuff of life sometimes just creeps up on us.  But there

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As we approach the celebration of America’s 242nd birthday we will be hearing a lot about the word Patriotism.  I think this is a wonderful time to ask what Patriotism is.  Is it blind obedience to whatever government is in power at the time?  I don’t think so.  Does being a Patriot require us to

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Explain God

How to explain God.  Theologians have been attempting to do this since the dawn of time (see my book Think, Believe, Receive) with varying degrees of success. To attempt to do so in 300 words is a fools errand.   There is no explaining God. Even the concept has sent armies to war countless times.

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Conversations in our heads

Those conversations in our heads; you know how they go.  You get so angry at another person and you want to tell them off.  You want to show them how wrong they are.  Around and around the conversation goes in your mind.  They say this, you respond with a withering reply that is insightful and

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In the first person

Taking responsibility for our actions and thoughts is one of the most empowering things we can do. It is never “them” Often our words suggest we are doing something because “they” want us to do it.  “I have to do this because they want me to.”  “I can’t do that, they won’t let me.”  As

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