
Increase your world

Increase your inner world and your outer world cannot help but also increase.  Increase only your outer world and nothing much about you will change. We have discussed in many blogs how accumulating stuff will not increase your feelings of self worth and joy.  This is another way to approach the same topic with perhaps a […]

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Increase your inner world

There is pure magic in increasing your inner world, and by that I mean the part of you which is more capable of giving and receiving love, the part of you which knows you are worthy of all the good the Universe has to offer.  The magic is that the more you increase your inner world,

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Healing the Healer

For almost three years I have been sharing my thoughts about IN-Powerment based largely upon my first two books; Think, Believe, Receive and It’s All About me.  A fair question you might ask is “why should I bother to heal myself when so many others with whom I associate are messed up?” The greatest reason

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I know that stuff

How many classes have you taken?  How many books have you read?  How many experiences have you had?  The more of these things you experience the more likely you might find yourself saying “I know that stuff.”  And you do know that stuff, at least you have experienced that stuff; but the question is are

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Nothing can come from nothing; everything must come from something, so when we say “that came out of nowhere” we are mistaken.  If we say “I had nothing to do with that experience coming into my life,” we are mistaken.  Everything must come from something, so what would that something be?  That something is our

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The noose around my neck

Often in these blogs we have looked at realizing our dreams, and what is holding us in place away from those dreams.  What ever is holding us back is like a noose around our necks; sometimes it seems the harder we try to move forward the tighter the noose gets.  That is exactly how a noose

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So last week someone won the Powerball lottery for over a billion dollars.  A regular  follower of these blogs will know we are happy for  whom ever won, because entraining with success supports us in our own success. The “but” which follows this is that no amount of money will make up for the most precious of

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