
The greatest poverty

What is the greatest poverty?  Is it lack of money?  Is it substandard housing?  My thought is that the greatest poverty is lack of imagination. Imagination=Poverty If you have traveled this world, even our country, you know there are many people living at economic levels that would suggest poverty, yet they are happy.  Clearly then, […]

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Demonizing others

The most powerful thing about demonizing others is that we create a scapegoat for our own fears.  The most disempowering thing about having a scapegoat is we no longer have to face our own shortcomings. Learning to improve ourselves With a scapegoat, or someone to blame for what makes us uncomfortable, we by-pass an essential

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It all has to go

Compromise seems to have gone the way of the dodo bird.  As we revel in the silly-season of elections there seem to be few candidates, (or voters for that matter) who seem willing to hear what the other side is saying.  Good ideas have no political party, no gender.  As we sink deeper into the

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Fitting in

Fitting-in is the primary motivator of so many people; to the point that they forget who they are and what they believe.  I know that as a parent, just as my own parents did about me, I worry that my own children will forsake what is right to fit-in. The power of not fitting-in Why

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Just because I am Spiritual

I know that some people think that being Spiritual is the same as being religious.  They think being Spiritual means being blissed-out all the time, or having a strict, inflexible code of behavior I want everyone to follow.  Please allow me to attempt to dissuade you from that belief. What being Spiritual is Being Spiritual

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People like me

People like me never get a date.  I am too fat, too short, too ugly, too, too!  Have you ever heard yourself saying something along those lines?  Perhaps there is really nothing about your shape, size or mental capacity that other people find undesirable.  I can think of a couple good reasons these statements seem

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Levels of Consciousness

When I speak of Consciousness I am referring to how we view the world, how we view ourselves and how we view the interconnectedness of all things. Consciousness is an evolving experience, and it is a very personal thing.  We cannot judge anyone else’s consciousness, in many cases not even our own.  What is an

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Pessimism and fatigue

Pessimism, the inclination to expect the worst, can not only make you a bummer at parties, it can keep you from having enough energy to even go to the party. A terrible spiral When everything around you seems to be going in the toilet, and you cannot see things changing, your body responds by powering-down.

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The Doves chorus

Our stress level is perhaps the greatest factor on our physical and emotional health.  Stress not only affects us moment to moment, but its cumulative effects come back to haunt us in so many different guises; cancers, digestive disorders, failed relationships, even our job performance.  The list of “cures” for stress grows everyday, but perhaps

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Sentient Beings

Sentient beings are anything that perceives or feels.  Does this mean that only humans are sentient?  Let me ask you; does a pet perceive anything? Does a tree or plant feel anything?  Quite obviously, both feel and perceive.   Our limited awareness Homo Sapiens are at the top of the food chain, so we often

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