Self Discovery

The process of Self Discovery or Self Actualization can be painful.  As I wrote recently change demands we leave behind our baggage from the past.  As you step into the person you truly are, rather than the person you have been told you should be, friends will fall by the wayside; however they will be […]

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This time it’ll be different!

This time it’ll be different is a promise we make ourselves (and others) time and again, yet time and again things turn out the same way, or worse.  Why is this?  Because too often we attempt to make changes on the outside without making the corresponding changes on the inside.  Put succinctly; we continue to

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In the simplest terms, prejudice is simply an unexamined belief upon which we act.  Prejudice can take the form of disliking someone for their race, religion, gender, sexual preference, body type, just about anything at all.  Discounting another person for any reason based upon prejudice is detrimental to our own well-being. When we choose to

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Just when you think

I have an amazing wife.  Terrie Symons is a Trance Channel who works with an entity named Ashtar, but this blog is not about the channeling, it is about our expectations of life and how they can surprise us in the most delightful ways. As part of her business Terrie accepts payments through PayPal.  We

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The humdrum of life

How often have you thought to yourself “my life is boring.  I wish I could travel or have some adventure in my life.”  I totally resonate with you in this thought, however, speaking from the perspective of someone who has traveled across the entire pacific ocean eight times, and around the world once during the

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Your life is a reflection of your thinking. A cluttered mind results in a cluttered desk.  (I see this all around me right now).  If I reach a point where I cannot seem to put two ideas together I will stop and clear my desk of the clutter.   If I do not clear my

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There you are, flying through life, things are going great, opportunities are opening left and right and suddenly we come to a grinding halt.  We seem unable to move forward no matter what we do.  What the heck is going on?  Integration is going on. Sometimes on our journey forward, we have to take a

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Living in the past

Sometimes we look back over our shoulders to a time in our lives when things seemed better for us and yearn for those days to return.  “They were simpler times”, we tell ourselves, “I knew what my life was about.  Today I cannot seem to get a grip on any part of my life.”  Sound

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The last place we look

“I found it in the last place I looked.”  Now, isn’t that a funny saying?  I mean, once you found it, why would you continue to look? That being said, we spend so much time and effort looking for inspiration, peace, love and prosperity, yet we overlook the one place that is the true final

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One craves peace

The shouting and conflict that comes to us every day disrupts one thing we all seem to crave; peace in our lives.  I am referring to the kind of peace that gives us clarity about who we are, what we are expected to do and how others will behave.  Do you see the common thread

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